Town of hamden staff directory. Return to Staff Directory .
Town of hamden staff directory Phone: 203-287-7140. Staff Directory; Barbara Bolden Registrar of Voters Title: Administrative Assistant Phone: 203-287-7081. Website Sign In Staff Directory; Jeffrey Naples Fire Department Title: Fire Chief Phone: 203-407-5880. 1121 Return to Staff Directory. Website Sign In Physical Address: Hamden Government Center 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518. Link: Clelian Center Website Staff Directory; Karyn Coppola Fire Department Title: Administrative Assistant Phone: 203-407-5880. Category: First Name: Last Name: Search. Hours. Link: Planning and Zoning Department Page. Phone: 203-287-7000 | Directory Hamden Government Center 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518. Phone: 203-287-2579. Staff Directory; Town Clerk . Link: Building Department Page Directions Physical Address: View Map 2901 Dixwell Ave. Justices of the Peace. Link to page; Code of Staff Directory; Jeffrey Naples Fire Marshal's Office Title: Chief Phone: 203-407-5880. Site Map Staff Directory; Susan Dercole Town Clerk Title: Assistant Town Clerk Phone: 203-287-7029. Staff Directory; Joseph DeRisi Hamden Public Works Title: Recycling Coordinator Phone: 203-287-7021 Additional Phone: 203-672-2072 Click here for Solid Waste & Recycling. Elected Officials. Home Directions Physical Address: View Map Hamden Fire Headquarters 2372 Whitney Ave Hamden, CT 06518. Fax: 203-287-2587. Alice Peck Learning Center Physical Address: Hamden Government Center 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518. Hours Monday to Friday 8:45 a. Staff Directory; Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity . m. Site Map Staff Directory; Maria Coppola Town Clerk Title: Vital Records Clerk Phone: 203-287-7096. Website Sign In Staff Directory; William Onofrio Hamden Police Department Title: Deputy Chief of Police Phone: (203) 230-4015 Additional Phone: (203) 230-4000. Phone: 203-287-7021. Staff Directory; Linda Davis-Cannon Community Services Title: Outreach Technician Phone: 203-562-5129 Ext. Phone: 203-407-5880. Staff Directory; Captain Anderson, J Station 9 Title: Station 9 Captain Phone: 203-287-2694 Additional Phone: 203-230-4089. Site Map Staff Directory; Susan Rubino Youth Services (HYSB) Title: Youth Services Coordinator Phone: 203-777-2610 Ext. Website Sign In Staff Directory; Paul Coleman Hamden Public Works Title: Assistant Public Works Director Phone: 203-287-2600. Phone: 203-287-0057. Fax: 230-287-7025. Staff Directory; Sarah Gallagher District Representatives Title: District 4 Council Member (D) Phone: (860) 530-7808. Site Map Directions Physical Address: View Map 2993 Whitney Avenue Hamden, CT 06518. Site Map Staff Directory; Joe DeRisi Recycling Coordinator Title: Recycling Coordinator Phone: 203-287-7021. Staff Directory; Matt Meeker Building Department Title: Assistant Building Official Phone: 203-287-7159. Hamden Government Center 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518. Edward . Physical Address: 261 Benham Street Hamden, CT 06514. Click here to visit the website Phone: 203-287-7028 Email Town Clerk Karimah Mickens. 1121. 1111. Email the Mayor's Office Link: Mayor's Office Page Hamden Government Center 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518. Site Map. Phone: 203-287 Directions Physical Address: View Map 2372 Whitney Avenue Hamden, CT 06518. Site Map Staff Directory; Joseph Colello Hamden Public Works Title: Public Works Director Phone: 203-287-2600 Email Joe Colello. Lunch is served Monday to Friday at 11:30am Reservations are required, please call 203-287-0057 to make your reservation. Staff Directory; Kim Craft Senior Services Title: Senior Services Coordinator Phone: 203-287-2550. 1110. Phone: 203-287-7128 . Registrar of Voters. Directions Physical Address: View Map 2750 Dixwell Avenue Lower level, Hamden Government Hamden, CT 06518. Staff Directory; Valerie Tripp Planning & Zoning Department Title: Administrative Assistant Phone: 203-287-7071. Fax: 203-287-7145. Staff Directory; Brigitte Cogswell Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity Title: Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity Phone: 203-287-7166 Town of Hamden. Physical Address: Hamden Government Center 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518. Human Resources. Town of Hamden. Name Title Email Phone Additional Phone Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Site Map Staff Directory; Inquiries CDBG Community Development Phone: 203-562-5129 ext. Phone: 203-287-7000 | Directory Staff Directory; Library Miller Memorial Hamden Public Library Phone: 203-287-2680 Hamden Public Library Website. Site Map Staff Directory; Michael Milici Assessor's Office Title: Real Estate Appraiser Phone: 203 287-7119. Directions Physical Address: View Map 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden Government Center Hamden, CT 06518. Physical Address: 11 Pine Street Hamden, CT 06514 Directions Physical Address: View Map. Phone: 203-287-5978. and 12:30 to 3 p. Phone: 203-288-4151. Staff Directory; Nicole Brown Johnson Recreation Title: Recreation Supervisor Phone: 203-287-2584. Website Sign In Staff Directory; Rhonda Caldwell District Representatives Title: District 5 Council Member (D) Phone: (475) 316-2031. Link to page; Locate your Legislator Link to page; Link to page; Hamden's Town Charter Adopted November 8th, 2022 Read the 2022 Town of Hamden Charter. Site Staff Directory; Salvatore McClain Cultural Affairs & Human Services Title: Arts Assistant Phone: 203-287-7118. Phone: 203-287-2640. Click here to visit the website Tony Esposito Phone: 203-287-7066 Email Tony Esposito. No land record recording after 4:15 p. 2750 Dixwell Avenue, Hamden, CT 06518 Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Staff Directory; Jim Mesner Traffic Department Title: Lead Traffic Technician Phone: 203-287-2636. Link: Traffic Department Page Staff Directory; Board of Assessment Appeals . Home Directions Physical Address: View Map 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden Government Center Hamden, CT 06518. The Warming Center is operated by trained Columbus House staff who monitor overnight shifts and share community outreach Staff Directory; Jim Anthony District Representatives Title: District 9 Council Member (R) Phone: (475) 318-6789 . Site Staff Directory; John Pucillo Hamden Public Works Title: Superintendent of Vehicle Maintenance Phone: 203-287-2626. Town Charter Rules Regarding Boards & Commissions: The following is per our Town’s Charter:. Phone: 203-287-7008 Physical Address: 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518. Emergency Phone: 911. If an email address is unavailable please contact our Constituent Services Center at 203-287-7100. 1169: Public Works: Facilities/Public Works Manager: Shea: Donald: dshea: Donald: dshea: 203-393-1555. Staff Directory; Jessica Ostrinski Town Attorney Title: Legal Assistant Phone: 203-287-7056. Phone: 203-287-7082. Phone: 203-287-7100. Locate your Legislator. Staff Directory; Teree Perkins Youth Services (HYSB) Title: Youth Services Clerk Phone: 203-777-2610 Ext. Home Directions Physical Address: View Map 245 Johnson Road Hamden, CT 06518. Site Map Staff Directory; Lourdes Torres Town Clerk Title: Counter Clerk Phone: 203-287-7028. Community Development . Email Town Clerk Link: Town Clerk Page Staff Directory; Maisie Albis Planning & Zoning Department Title: Administrative Assistant to Boards & Commissions Phone: 203-287-7073. Physical Address: Hamden Government C enter 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518. Phone: 203-287-7081. Staff Directory; Stephanie Morriar Recreation Title: Administrative Assistant Phone: 203-287-2585. Hamden Public Library. Mailing Address: 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518. Phone: 203-287-2579 Staff Directory Search the Directory. Site Physical Address: 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518. Site Map Physical Address: Hamden Government Center 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518. Phone: 203-287-2680. Link: Legislative Council Page Staff Directory; Karen Bivens Cultural Affairs & Human Services Title: Director of Cultural Affairs & Human Services Phone: 203-287-2579. Fax: 203-287-7125. Staff Directory; Alexa Panayotakis Mayor's Office Title: Deputy Chief of Staff Phone: 203-287-7100. In addition, Hamden has an early learning center and an alternative high school. 1128. Registrars of Voters. Staff Directory; Trupti Jalgaonkar Planning & Zoning Department Title: Zoning Enforcement Officer Phone: 203-287-7078. Staff Directory; Linda Davis-Cannon Community Development Title: Outreach Technician Phone: 203-562-5129 ext. Hamden : Burt. Hamden Town Clerk: 230-287-7162 Cimino, Eileen Hamden Asst Town Clerk Dercole, Sue Hamden Asst Town Clerk Velez, Robert Hamden Asst Town Clerk Staff Directory; Hamden . Home · Hamden – Mayor Lauren Garrett will present the Mayor’s Proposed 2025-2026 Fiscal Year Budget to Legislative Council Chambers located in Memorial Town Hall, 2372 Whitney Avenue, Hamden, CT 06518 Zoom: Please click the link to join the please contact Deputy Chief of Staff, Alexa M. Home Staff Directory; Sean Grace Mayor's Office Title: Chief of Staff Phone: 203-287-7100. Geographical Areas of the Town: Best efforts shall be made to Directions Physical Address: View Map 2372 Whitney Avenue Hamden, CT 06518. Registrar of Staff Directory; AnneMarie Karavas Community Services Title: Program Specialist Phone: 203-562-5129 ext. Staff Directory; Jeron Alston District Representatives Title: District 2 Council Member (D) Phone: (203) 529-5519. Town of Hamden. Name Title Email Phone Additional Phone Town Clerk Karimah Mickens. Staff Directory; Doug Fraser Hamden Public Works Title: Superintendent of Sanitation Phone: 203-287-2600 Click here for Transfer Station information Keefe Community Center. Staff Directory; Lauren Garrett Mayor's Office Title: Mayor Phone: 203-287-7100. Mailing Address: Board of Assessment Appeal Town of Hamden. Site Map Directions Physical Address: View Map 71 Circular Avenue Hamden, CT 06518. Phone: 203-287-7030. Site Staff Directory; Sleeping Giant Day Care . Site Map Staff Directory; Branch Whitneyville Hamden Public Library Phone: 203-287-2677 Hamden Public Library Website. Staff Directory; Jose Alvarez Engineering Department Title: Assistant Town Engineer Phone: 203-287-7040. Home Directions Physical Address: View Map 441 Hartford Turnpike Hamden, CT 06518. Directions Physical Address: View Map. Website Sign In Staff Directory; Camile Samuels Economic & Community Development Title: Community Development Specialist Phone: 203-287-1131. Staff Directory; Christopher Mickens Mayor's Office Title: Administrative Assistant Phone: 203-287-7100. Site Map Physical Address: 524 Brooksvale Ave Hamden, CT 06518. Phone: 203-287-7022. Public Works-Recycling & Bulky Waste (Town Recycling Center) 1121. Mailing Address: Hamden, CT 06518. Link: Station 4 Page Staff Directory; Senior Community Cafe . Phone: 203-287-7160. Link: Brooksvale Park Page Staff Directory; Genise Greene Youth Services (HYSB) Title: Youth Outreach Counselor Phone: 203-777-2610 Ext. Staff Directory; Zelema Harris Finance Title: Payroll/Pension Analyst Phone: 203-287-7017 Email the Payroll/Pension Analyst. Site Staff Directory; Carlo Sarmiento Building Department Title: Building Official Phone: 203-287-7160. Staff Directory; Carol Hazen Economic & Community Development Title: Grants and Capital Projects Director Phone: 203-287-7016. Link: Tax Office Website Staff Directory; Adrian Webber District Representatives Title: District 7 Council Member (D) Phone: (213) 973-2203. Staff Directory; Kasey Catalioto Human Resources Title: Human Resources Officer Phone: 203-287-7136. Link: Station 3 Page Staff Directory; Christopher Soto Planning & Zoning Department Title: Assistant Town Planner Phone: 203-287-7077. Website Sign In Staff Directory; Captain Dowling Station 4 Title: Station 4 Captain Phone: 203-287-2699 Additional Phone: 203-230-4084. . Phone: 203-287-7000 | Directory. Link: Recycling Coordinator Staff Directory A complete directory of Town of Hamden Staff. Job Opportunities. Phone: 203-287-2669. Staff Directory; Eileen Cimino Town Clerk Title: Assistant Town Clerk Phone: 203-287-7093. The Town of Hamden website uses a web-based system which allows individual departments to maintain and update individual web pages. Staff Directory; Carlo Sarmiento Americans with Disabilities Title: Americans with Disabilities Phone: 203-287-7152 Additional Phone Keefe Community Center. 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518-3320. Phone: 203-777-2610. Home Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Phone: 203-287-7000 | Directory Staff Directory; Al Maio Hamden Public Works Title: Litter Enforcement Phone: 203-672-2071 Additional Phone: 203-530-2888 Click here to request or replace your trash bin. Phone: 203-287-2547. Link: Town Attorney's Page Town of Hamden events; ParentSquare Information; Complaint Resolution Procedure; Staff. Annual Earth Day Celebration. Link: Hamden Police Department Website Directions Physical Address: View Map Hamden Fire Headquarters 2372 Whitney Ave Hamden, CT 06518. Link: Building Department Page. Name Title Email Phone Additional Phone Sarmiento, Carlo Building Official : 203-287-7160 Kearney, Kelly Return to Staff Directory Staff Directory; Roseann Chambasis Tax Office Title: Tax Cashier Phone: 203-287-7149. Email the Tax Office Town of Hamden. Home Staff Directory; Lorrice Grant Fair Rent Title: Fair Rent Clerk Phone: 203-287-5978. Staff Directory; Sharon Regan Economic & Community Development Title: Economic Development Technician Phone: 203-287-7032. Fax: 203-287-7135. Esposito Registrar of Voters Title: Deputy Republican Registrar of Voters Phone: 203-287-7062. Staff Directory; Dominique Baez Representatives At-Large Title: Council President (D) Phone: (203) 927-2755. Please call 203-288-2885 for your transportation needs. Site Staff Directory; Katie Kiely Representatives At-Large Title: At Large Council Member (D) Phone: (203) 464-6915. Accessibility Staff Directory; Jordanne Bryan-Haynes Human Resources Title: Human Resources Director Phone: 203-287-7130. Name Title Email Phone Additional Phone Cogswell, Brigitte Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity Town of Hamden. Site Map Staff Directory; Rick Galarza Finance Title: Deputy Finance Director Phone: 203-287-7010 Email Finance Dept. Name Town of Hamden. Phone: 203-562-5129 x 1121. Information. Website Sign In Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Site Map Hamden Government Center 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518. Staff Directory; Geovanna Montesinos Community Services Title: Community Services Clerk Phone: 203-562-5129 Ext. Name Title Email Phone Additional Phone Reynolds, Edward Page Chief of Police (203) 230-4015 (203) 230-4000: Onofrio, William Return to Staff Directory Staff Directory; Susan Foraker Human Resources Title: Benefits Manager Phone: 203-287-7133. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Phone: 203-562-5129. Fax: (203) 287-7115. Staff Directory; Corey Knoll Assessor's Office Title: Assessment Clerk Phone: 203-287-7122. Site Map Staff Directory; Adam Zonas Planning & Zoning Department Title: Assistant Zoning Enforcement Officer Phone: 203-287-7076. Fax: 203-287-7101. Phone: 203-287-7000 Staff Directory; Andrew Kinlock Engineering Department Title: GIS Coordinator Phone: 203-287-7049. COMMERCIAL INFO RECENTLY UPDATED Directions Physical Address: View Map Hamden Government Center 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518. Online Tax Pay. Emergency Phone: 911 Staff Directory; Justin Schneider Technology Title: IT Manager Phone: 203-287-7022 Contact online. Staff Directory; Samantha Brailsford Human Resources Title: Administrative Assistant Phone: 203-287-7138. Phone: 203-287-7000 | Directory Physical Address: Keefe Community Center 11 Pine St Hamden, CT 06514. Staff Directory A complete directory of Town of Hamden Staff. Phone: 203-287-7000 Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Categories Telephone Staff Directory; Laurie Sweet Representatives At-Large Title: At Large Council Member (D) Phone: (475) 441-6441. Fax: 203-562-9947. Link: Forms and Permits Page Staff Directory; Jovonya Rose Tax Office Title: Back Tax Collector Phone: 203-287-7140. Hamden, CT 06518. Return to Staff Directory Keefe Community Center. Staff Directory; Captain Martin Station 2 Title: Station 2 Captain Phone: 203-287-2696 Additional Phone: 203-230-4082. Home Staff Directory; Alex Eager Brooksvale Park Title: Brooksvale Park Ranger Phone: (203) 287-2669. Email the Technology Dept. Staff Directory; Brian Murphy Mayor's Office Title: Systems Development Manager Phone: 203-287-7100. Phone: (203) 230-4000. Site Map Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Staff Directory This searchable list provides quick access to department phone numbers and email addresses. Phone: 203-287-7008 Staff Directory; Keefe Community Center . Home Staff Directory; Robert Velez Town Clerk Title: Assistant Town Clerk Phone: 203-287-7097. 1120. Site Map Staff Directory; Robert Dunikowski Traffic Department Title: Traffic Technician Phone: 203-287-2636. Phone: (203) 776-5026. Staff Directory; Christopher Rhone Hamden Public Works Title: Superintendent of Trees Phone: 203-287-2600. Revaluation Resource Center updated regularly, check back often. Staff Directory; Karim Rosa-Vega Town Clerk Title: Land Records Technician Phone: 203 287-7098. Website Sign In Staff Directory; Gabriel Scala Hamden Public Works Title: Superintendent of Buildings Phone: 203-287-2600. Staff. Name Title Email Phone Additional Phone Mickens, Karimah Hamden Town Clerk: Email Karimah Mickens: 230-287-7162 Hamden has eight elementary schools (grades K-6), one middle school (grades 7-8) and one high school (grades 9-12). Physical Address: 3 Industrial Circle Hamden, CT 06517. Emergency Phone: 911 Staff Directory; Brian Reynolds Traffic Department Title: Traffic Technician Phone: 203-287-2641. Fax: 203-287-2685 Physical Address: Hamden Government Center 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518. Fax: 203-287-2693. Phone: 203-287-7070. Site Map Staff Directory; Eugene Livshits Planning & Zoning Department Title: Town Planner Phone: 203-287-7070. Staff Directory; Xavier Russell Technology Title: IT Technician Phone: 203-287-7023 Contact online. Staff Directory; Ed Wilson Technology Title: IT Technician Phone: 203-672-3707 Contact online. Appointed / Elected: 2022 Staff Directory; Karimah Mickens Hamden Title: Hamden Town Clerk Phone: 230-287-7162 Email Karimah Mickens. Home Staff Directory; Rose Lion Legislative Council Staff Title: Legislative Council Administrative Assistant Phone: 203-287-2576. Home Staff Directory; Lyn Baumgartner Hamden Public Works Title: Beautification Coordinator Phone: 203-287-2600. Staff Directory; Branch Brundage Community Hamden Public Library Phone: 203-287-2675 Hamden Public Library Website. Email Assessor's Office Directions Physical Address: View Map 2372 Whitney Avenue Hamden, CT 06518. Site Map · Town Clerk Karimah Mickens (Democrat) Term: November 26, 2023 to November 30, 2025 Staff Directory. Report an Issue. Link: Purchasing Page Town of Hamden Employee Retirement Application and Information. Hamden's Town Charter Adopted November 8th, 2022. Name Title Email Staff Directory; Karimah Mickens (She/Her) Town Clerk Title: Town Clerk Phone: 203-287-7028 Book an appointment by clicking here. Phone: 203-287-2577. Return to Staff Directory Town of Hamden. Home. Staff Directory; Kathy Walsh Senior Services Title: Administrative Assistant Phone: 203-287-2548. Accessibility. 2750 Dixwell Avenue, Hamden, CT 06518. District Staff Directory; HPS School Building Use (opens in new window/tab) HPS Budget; Superintendent’s Office; Hamden has great programs and staff available to our students! This section of our Website includes information about our curriculum Directions Physical Address: View Map 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518. Phone: 203-287-7130. Link: Station 5 Page Staff Directory; Destiny Cogswell Tax Office Title: Tax Cashier Phone: 203-287-7147. Link: Traffic Department Page Staff Directory; Anthony V. Link: Human Resources Page Hamden Town Clerk: 230-287-7162 Cimino, Eileen Hamden Asst Town Clerk Dercole, Sue Hamden Asst Town Clerk Velez, Robert Hamden Asst Town Clerk Staff Directory; Hamden . The Transfer Station will be closed in observation of the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King’s Day, Lincoln’s Birthday, Washington’s Birthday, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day Staff Directory; Stephen White Engineering Department Title: Town Engineer Phone: 203-287-7040. Phone: 203-287-7050. Minority Party Representation: The political affiliation of the members of all appointed Boards or Commissions or panel of alternates shall reflect the requirements of the General Statutes with respect to minority party representation. Site Physical Address: Hamden Government Center 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518. to 4:15 p. Link to page; Hamden's Town Charter Adopted November 8th, 2011 Read the 2011 Town of Hamden Charter. Staff Directory; Matt Kott Engineering Department Title: Engineering Inspector Phone: 203-287-7048. 2750 Dixwell Avenue The Town of Hamden, in partnership with Columbus House, Inc. Link: Economic & Community Development Page Directions Physical Address: View Map Hamden Government Center 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518. 11 Pine Street Keefe Community Center Hamden, CT 06514. Website Sign In Staff Directory; Tom Vocelli Planning & Zoning Department Title: Wetlands Enforcement Officer Phone: 203-287-7001. Appointed / Elected: 2022 Staff Directory; Karimah Mickens Hamden Title: Hamden Town Clerk Hamden Government Center 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518. Staff Directory; Steve McAllister Engineering Department Title: Staff Engineer Phone: 203-287-7047. Link: Probate Court Page Directions Physical Address: View Map 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden Government Center Hamden, CT 06518. Monday-Friday: 7:30 to 11:30 a. Staff Directory. Site Map Staff Directory; Keefe Community Center . Site Staff Directory; Tax Office . , opened an overnight winter warming center for those experiencing homelessness in our community. Lushonda Hamden Title: Hamden Town Clerk Phone: 230-287-7162. Staff Directory; Ted Stevens District Representatives Title: District 8 Council Member (D) Phone: (203) 464-1154. Phone: 203-287-7000 | Directory Staff Directory; Tom Figlar Representatives At-Large Title: At Large Council Member (R) Phone: (203) 339-2471. Link: Senior Services Page Staff Directory; Radha Lamichhane Engineering Department Title: Civil Engineer Phone: 203-287-7041. Email Partnerships Adult Day Center Link: Partnerships Adult Day Center Website Staff Directory; Captain Osiecki Station 5 Title: Station 5 Captain Phone: 203-230-4085. Phone: 203-287-7000 | Directory Staff Directory; Keith Marus Tax Office Title: Tax Collector Phone: 203-287-7148 Additional Phone: 203-287-7140. Emergency Phone: 203-287-2588. Hamden Title: Hamden Town Clerk Phone: 230-287-7162. 1113 Return to Staff Directory. Site Map Staff Directory; Juana Diaz-Callands Building Department Title: Building Clerk Phone: 203-287-2647. Keefe Center Staff Directory; Quinnipiack Valley Health District (QVHD) Food Resources; Houses of Worship; Community Garden; Keeping Hamden Green. Link: Registrar of Voters Page Staff Directory; Brian Dolan Fire Department Title: Fire Marshal Phone: 203-407-3182. Staff Directory; Paul Coleman Hamden Public Works Title: Assistant Public Works Director Phone: 203-287-2600. Address. Phone: 203-248-8854. Monday - Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm Saturday 8:30am to 12pm Closed Sunday. A list of Department contact numbers and emails can be found in our staff directory. Link: Community Services Page Staff Directory; Bob Anthony Representatives At-Large Title: At Large Council Member (R) Phone: (203) 641-6442. Staff Directory; Edward Diamond Building Department Title: Assistant Building Official - Structural Phone: 203-287-7158. 2750 Dixwell Avenue, Hamden, CT 06518 Staff Directory; Sue Gruen Town Attorney Title: Town Attorney Phone: 203-287-7050. Hamden's Veterans Office. Keefe Community Center. Website Sign In Staff Directory; Y'Isiah Lopes, MBA, Sixth-Year Community Services Title: Community Services Coordinator Phone: 203-562-5129 Ext. Physical Address: 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518. Link: Town Clerk Page. Staff Directory; Elissa Heigel Assessor's Office Title: Deputy Assessor Phone: 203 287-7120. Website Sign In Staff Directory; Nateysha Poindexter Risk Manager Title: Risk Manager Phone: 203-287-7008 Email Risk Management. Staff Directory; Planning & Zoning Department . Website Sign In Physical Address: Miller Cultural Complex 2901 Dixwell Ave Hamden, CT 06518. Staff Directory; Edward Page Reynolds Hamden Police Department Title: Chief of Police Phone: (203) 230-4015 Additional Phone: (203) 230-4000. Staff Directory; Tasha Hunt Representatives At-Large Title: At Large Council Member (D) Phone: (203) 800-2142. Panayotakis, at (203) 287-7100 or by email at Staff Directory; Rob Setaro Hamden Public Works Title: Foreman of Buildings Phone: 203-287-2600. Phone: 203-287-7028. Link: Station 9 Page Use this form to contact the Payroll/Pension Analyst with needs and concerns. Link: Youth Services (HYSB) Page. Staff Directory; Greta Johnson Registrar of Voters Title: Deputy Democratic Registrar of Voters Phone: 203-287-7062. Site Staff Directory; Shelly Carter Fire Department Title: Assistant Fire Chief Phone: 203-407-5880. Fax: 203-407-5887. Link: About Us Page Directions Physical Address: View Map 2900 Dixwell Ave. Staff Directory; Romealia Rampersaud Legislative Council Staff Title: Legislative Council Administrator Phone: 203-287-2577. ARPA. Return to Staff Directory. Staff Directory; Gail Weyel Building Department Title: Administrative Assistant Phone: 203-287-7160. Staff Directory; Abdul Osmanu District Representatives Title: District 3 Council Member (D) Phone: (203) 343-0781 . Link: Fair Rent Page Staff Directory; Youth Services (HYSB) Physical Address: Keefe Community Center 11 Pine St Hamden, CT 06514. 1121 Return to Staff Directory Keefe Community Center. Staff Directory; Patti Heyer Senior Services Title: Outreach Counselor Phone: 203-287-2691. Link to page; Code of Staff Directory; Radha Lamichhane Engineering Department Title: Civil Engineer Phone: 203-287-7041. 2750 Dixwell Ave Lower Level Hamden, CT 06518. Link: Traffic Department Page Staff Directory; Crystal Herron Economic & Community Development Title: Digital Media & Marketing Coordinator Phone: 203-287-7003. Phone: 203-287-7000 | Directory Staff Directory; Kenneth Paecht Hamden Public Works Title: Superintendent of Parks Phone: 203-287-2600. Phone: 203-287-7000 | Hours. Home Staff Directory; Lushonda Howard Registrar of Voters Title: Democratic Registrar of Voters Phone: 203-287-7061. Website Sign In Staff Directory; Seon Haynes Building Department Title: Assistant Building Official - Electrical Phone: 203-287-7151. Staff Directory; Sean Cardwell District Representatives Title: District 1 Council Member (D) Phone: (475) 441-8251. Link: Station 2 Page Staff Directory; Nelson Hwang Fire Department Title: Deputy Fire Marshal Phone: 203-672-3706. 1119. Link: Hamden Police Department Website. Home Phone: 203-562-5129 x 1121. Link: Recycling Coordinator Staff Directory; Paula Irvin District Representatives Title: District 6 Council Member (D) Phone: (203) 500-5708. Hamden GIS. Notify Me® Donate. Email Recreation Physical Address: Hamden Government Center 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518. Home Staff Directory; Joseph Longobardi Hamden Public Works Title: Superintendent of Streets Phone: 203-287-2600. Staff Directory; Barbara Godejohn Hamden Police Department Title: Animal Control Officer Phone: 203-230-4080 Email Barbara Godejohn. Staff Directory; Sajida Farooqui Assessor's Office Title: Chief Assessor Phone: 203 287-7128. Use this form to contact members of the Finance team with needs and concerns. 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden Government Center Hamden, CT 06518. fpjetlcinmbleluvhhwostqixondcnvubggyyxjotwhwslbtozzjsuxnzyxyrwa
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