Suffolk virginia most wanted , (F) SCOTT JR, David CORRECTED/UPDATE: SUFFOLK, Virginia (November 6, 2018) Attached please find the corrected/updated Most Wanted Poster for November 2018 due to inaccuracies in the previously provided poster. VIRGINIA MOST WANTED CRIMINALS. 🗂️🔍 SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR JULY S UFFOLK, Virginia (July 1 , 2020 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be Suffolk Police Department July 2020 WANTED SUBJECTS COLLINS,Travis L K A : 4 3 2 0 R o se m a ry S t, S u ffo lk C h a rg e s: R e v o c a tio n o f S u sp e n d e d S e n - SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR AUGUST S UFFOLK, Virginia (August 3 , 2020 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be Suffolk Police Department August 2020 WANTED SUBJECTS COLLINS,Travis L K A : 4 3 2 0 R o se m a ry S t, S u ffo lk C h a rg e s: R e v o c a tio n o f S u sp e n d e d S e n - SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR SEPTEMBER S UFFOLK, Virginia (September 1 , 2021 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. com , visit the Suffolk Police Department website SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR APRIL S UFFOLK, Virginia (April 1 , 2021 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be Suffolk Police Department April 2021 WANTED SUBJECTS ANDERSON, Nicole L K A : 4 4 0 0 H u b b ard A v e, S u ffo lk C h arg es: A ffix A n - o th er S ig n atu re T o SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR MAY S UFFOLK, Virginia (May 1 , 2020 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be Suffolk Police Department May 2020 WANTED SUBJECTS CHEEKS,Natesha L K A : 2 0 6 S . Norfolk Charges: Obtaining Money By False Pre- tenses <SIOOO x2 (M); Possessing Forged Coin Or Bank Notes (M); Forging Coin Or Bank Notes x2 (F) HOOD, Eric LKA: 573 Adams Dr. · UPDATE TO SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED JANUARY 2025 - Aunesia Hardy (#10 most wanted) has been arrested. By working together with law enforcement, our citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR OCTOBER S UFFOLK, Virginia (October 2 , 2020 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be Suffolk Police Department October 2020 WANTED SUBJECTS WRIGHT,Ryan L K A : 6 1 5 K in se y L a n e , S u ffo lk C h a rg e s: L a rce n y o r T h e ft-3 rd o r S u bse - SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR DECEMBER S UFFOLK, Virginia (December 3, 2019 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. Suffolk LKA: Charges: Posses-sion of Schedule I, Ii Controlled Sub-stance x2 (F) cation of a Sus-SCOTT, Jacob LKA: 3024 Estates Ln. Main Office. us/spd) and look for the Suffolk Crime Line link, or go to the Suffolk Police Department Facebook page. You can also call Officer arrest warrants (PB-15), court capiases, and parole board warrants are issued and filed with local and state law enforcement agencies. If the information leads to an arrest, the caller is eligible for up to $1,000 in Crime Line cash. This love was expressed most distinctly as a wife to her husband Travis Felts, as a mother to her three daughters Kayla, Abby and Brooke, as a teacher to her students at Smithfield Middle School and as an overall supporter to the students at Franklin UPDATE TO SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED FOR JANUARY 2023 - Jonathan Jackson (#1 most wanted) was arrested on January 6, 2023. Find official websites for crime maps, the Suffolk Sheriff's Office, most wanted lists, pistol permits, and · UPDATE TO SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED FOR MARCH 2023 - Kamare Smith-Black (#1 most wanted) was arrested on March 28, 2023. Virginia Bonding Program Volunteering Contact Us. January 7 · SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED JANUARY 2025 Suffolk Police Department FEBRUARY 2025 WANTED SUBJECTS WOMACK, Jamir SMITH, Raydrin LKA: 114 Nancy Dr. This page will provide citizen with information about most wanted individuals throughout the Hampton Roads area. Suffolk Charges: Revoca- tion Of Suspended Sentence (F) x5 NORFLEET, Larry LKA: 2008 Freeney Ave Apt 302 Suffolk Charges: No Drivers Give Light and the People Will Find Their Own Way · Suffolk Police Department SEPTEMBER 2024 WANTED SUBJECTS poútct: T AYLOR, Breon LKA: 5531 Berry Hill Rd. By working together with law enforcement, our citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR DECEMBER S UFFOLK, Virginia (December 2 , 2020 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be Town Rd, Capron, VA Charges: Revocation of Suspended Sen- tence (F) SIDWELL, Anna LKA: 2240 Holland Comer Rd, Suffolk Charges: Revocation of Suspended Sen- tence X2 (F) GATLING, LKA: 125 Gates school SUFFOLK, Virginia (November 6 , 2018) Attached please find the SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR NOVEMBER S UFFOLK, Virginia (November 5 , 2018 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. By working together with law enforcement, our citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR MARCH S UFFOLK, Virginia (March 7 , 2019 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. Suffolk Police Department March 2020 WANTED SUBJECTS LKA: 706 Chestnut St. UPDATE TO SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED NOVEMBER 2024 - Kyle Corbett (#4 most wanted) has been arrested. S u ffo lk C h arg es: A ssau lt & B atte ry (M ); S tran - SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR FEBRUARY S UFFOLK, Virginia (February 5 , 2019 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. Learn how to make the most of your visit with our top recommendations for what to see and do. Apt. By working together with law enforcement, our citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR FEBRUARY S UFFOLK, Virginia (February 3 , 2021 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. p3tips. · SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED FOR DECEMBER 2022 SUFFOLK, VA (December 2, 2022) The Suffolk Police Department provides a monthly listing of individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in the · By Titus Mohler and Stephen Faleski. SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED FOR NOVEMBER SUFFOLK, Virginia (November 5, 2018) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those Suffolk Police Department APRIL 2024 WANTED SUBJECTS DEMIEL, Decorelle LKA: 1034 Patriot Way, Portsmouth Charges: (DI) Fail To Appear On Felony Charge (F) x4, Revo- Ct. The Suffolk Police Department may maintain a "Most Wanted" list, highlighting individuals with outstanding warrants or those sought in connection with significant crimes: Check the Suffolk Police Department's official website or local news outlets. By working together with law enforcement, citizens can send a strong message %PDF-1. , Ports-Charges: Posses-sion of Schedule I, Ii Controlled Sub-stance x2 (F) cation of a Sus · Suffolk Police Department DECEMBER 2024 WANTED SUBJECTS MCKINLEY JR, Mict„el LKA: 858 Haskins Suf- In Public In Public Att t Toco 't Non Capi of Display Fi Of of In Or Or At MAYO JR, Breon LKA: 428 S Division St. 0018 SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR OCTOBER SUFFOLK, VA (October 7 , 2022) The Suffolk Police Department provides a monthly listing of individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in the Suffolk SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR DECEMBER S UFFOLK, Virginia (December 1 , 2021 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. 4 %öäüß 1 0 obj /Type /Catalog /Version /1. Suffolk Charges: Driving Un- der Suspension (M); Fail to Maintain Proper Control/lmproper Brakes (M); Revoca- tion Of Suspended Sen- tence (F); Disregard Police Command TO Stop, Endangerment (F) Suffolk Police Department NOVEMBER 2024 WANTED SUBJECTS MIZELL Raisean LKA: 408 E Con. By working together Suffolk Police Department · April 2 · SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED APRIL 2024 If you have information about a crime in the City of Suffolk, please call 1-888-562-5887, Option 5. Suffolk Charges: Assault & Battery— Family Mem- ber (M) x2; Strangle Another C ausing W ounding Or Injury (F); Steal Property S5 From Person (Pick Pocket) (F) TILLETT, Zachary LKA: 5333 Okelly Dr. Home. 4104 SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR MAY SUFFOLK, VA (May 1 , 2023 ) The Suffolk Police Department provides a monthly listing of individuals whom they are seeking for SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR NOVEMBER S UFFOLK, Virginia (November 6, 2020 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. By working together with law enforcement, our citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR OCTOBER S UFFOLK, Virginia (October 2 , 2020 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be Suffolk Police Department October 2020 WANTED SUBJECTS WRIGHT,Ryan L K A : 6 1 5 K in se y L a n e , S u ffo lk C h a rg e s: L a rce n y o r T h e ft-3 rd o r S u bse - SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR MAY S UFFOLK, Virginia (May 4 , 2021 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be Suffolk Police Department May 2021 WANTED SUBJECTS SILVERS-VELAZQUEZ, Christian L K A : 1 2 3 N o rth S t, S u ffo lk C h arg es: D I-L arcen y o r T h eft 3 rd o r S u b- Suffolk Police Department March 2023 WANTED SUBJECTS COOPER, Dana LKA: 427 Marion Rd. By working together with law enforcement, our citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR JUNE S UFFOLK, Virginia (June 4, 2018 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. By working together with law enforcement, our citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR SEPTEMBER S UFFOLK, Virginia (September 1 , 2021 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. Second Conviction x4 (F)ing (F); DI LEE-SMITH, Damontae LKA: 3724 White-chapel Arch, Chesa-peake Charges: DI– Use or Display Firearm in Com-mission of Felony (F); DI– City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, VA 23434 Phone: 757-514-4000 Suffolk Police Department JULY 2024 WANTED SUBJECTS BAZEMORE, Bryant Jr. 410 5 (Mobile) 757. Crime Line callers never give their names or have to testify in court. By working together with law enforcement, our citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR MARCH S UFFOLK, Virginia (March 3 , 2020 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be Suffolk Police Department March 2020 WANTED SUBJECTS COLLINS,Travis L K A : 4 3 2 0 R o se m a ry S t, S u ffo lk C h a rg e s: R e v o c a tio n o f S u sp e n d e d S e n - SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR MAY S UFFOLK, Virginia (May 3 , 2019 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be contact the Suffolk Police Department and let them do their job. By working together with law enforcement, our citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR JANUARY S UFFOLK, Virginia (January 6, 2020 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be Suffolk Police Department January 2020 WANTED SUBJECTS WIGGINS,Trucker L K A : 1 4 9 C h a rle s S t, S u ffo lk C h a rg e s: D e stru c tio n o f P ro p e rty (M ); A s- SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR FEBRUARY S UFFOLK, Virginia (February 3 , 2020 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. By working together with law enforcement, our citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR JANUARY S UFFOLK, Virginia (January 6, 2020 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be Suffolk Police Department January 2020 WANTED SUBJECTS WIGGINS,Trucker L K A : 1 4 9 C h a rle s S t, S u ffo lk C h a rg e s: D e stru c tio n o f P ro p e rty (M ); A s- SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR NOVEMBER S UFFOLK, Virginia (November 6, 2020 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. S u ffo lk C h arg es: A ssau lt & B atte ry (M ); S tran - SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR SEPTEMBER S UFFOLK, Virginia (September 2 , 2020 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. 4 /Pages 2 0 R /StructTreeRoot 3 0 R /MarkInfo 4 0 R /Lang (en) /ViewerPreferences 5 0 R >> endobj 6 0 obj /Title (Updated February Most Wanted) /Creator (Canva) /Producer (Canva) /CreationDate (D:20250205170531+00'00') /ModDate (D:20250205170531+00'00') /Keywords (DAGeJWKUTH0,BADsUkr1FeA,0) /Author (KDolan) >> endobj 2 0 obj February 2024 WANTED SUBJECTS DEMIEL, Decorelle LKA: 1034 Patriot Way, Portsmouth Charges: (DI) Fail To Appear On Felony Charge (F) x4, Revo-cation of Suspended Capital St. Some people who live in Suffolk are happy to see the · 3 likes, 0 comments - suffolkvapolice on March 6, 2025: "UPDATE TO SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED MARCH 2025 - Ruyan Clark (#7 most wanted) has been arrested. Smith was also wanted for shooting into an occupied vehicle in 26 likes, 0 comments - suffolkvapolice on June 5, 2024: "SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED JUNE 2024 The Suffolk Police Department provides a monthly listing of individuals · MOST WANTED AUTO LLC is a Virginia Domestic Limited-Liability Company filed on October 13, 2021. Suffolk · 4 likes, 0 comments - suffolkvapolice on January 27, 2025: "UPDATE TO SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED JANUARY 2025 - Adam Eubanks (#3 most wanted) has been arrested. Suffolk Police Department JANUARY 2025 WANTED SUBJECTS SCOTT JR, David LKA: St. LKA: 214 Delaney Dr. By working together with law · Suffolk Police Department August 2023 WANTED SUBJECTS PARHAM, Kenneth HARRIS, Sean LKA: 201 Lee St, Suffolk Charges: Felonious Assault (F); B&E With Intent to Commit Felo-ny (F); Abduction & Kidnapping; Destruc-tion of Property: Monu-ment Value>=$100; Concealing/Destroy Evidence of Felony Offense (F)stance (F) x2 HARRIS, Tyrese LKA: 403 Saint Suffolk Police Department March 2022 WANTED SUBJECTS THOMAS, Jakala LKA: 3617 South St. 5 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >/PageLabels 157 0 R>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/Font >/XObject >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792 Suffolk Crime Alerts (195) 195 posts No categories yet. S u ffo lk Charges:F a lse P o lice R ep o rt (M ); R eck less UPDATE TO SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED JANUARY 2025 - Adam Eubanks (#3 most wanted) has been arrested. Police Department. By working together with law enforcement, our citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR JANUARY S UFFOLK, Virginia (January 6, 2020 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be Suffolk Police Department January 2020 WANTED SUBJECTS WIGGINS,Trucker L K A : 1 4 9 C h a rle s S t, S u ffo lk C h a rg e s: D e stru c tio n o f P ro p e rty (M ); A s- NEWS RELEASE F OR IMMEDIATE R ELEASE Contact Jennifer Moore (Office) 757. misleading , and personally I would recommend staying away from them. Brendelson was Suffolk Police's third most wanted person for the month of September, they said. Apt 103 Virginia Beach Charges: Charges: Embezzle-ment >=$1000 (F); Conspire To Commit Larceny >= $1000 (F) NORFLEET, Larry LKA: 2008 Freeney Ave Apt 302 Suffolk Charges: No Drivers License (M); Damage Telephone Line, Etc. Suffolk. Access resources for police records lookup, requests, and reports online. By working together with law enforcement, our citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR DECEMBER S UFFOLK, Virginia (December 2 , 2020 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be Town Rd, Capron, VA Charges: Revocation of Suspended Sen- tence (F) SIDWELL, Anna LKA: 2240 Holland Comer Rd, Suffolk Charges: Revocation of Suspended Sen- tence X2 (F) GATLING, LKA: 125 Gates school SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED - MAY 2020 SUFFOLK, Virginia (May 1, 2020) SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED - MAY 2020 SUFFOLK, Virginia (May 1, 2020) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR MAY S UFFOLK, Virginia (May 3 , 2019 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be contact the Suffolk Police Department and let them do their job. com , visit the Suffolk Police Department website SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR APRIL S UFFOLK, Virginia (April 4, 2019 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. Contact Us SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR JANUARY S UFFOLK, Virginia (January 5, 2021 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be Suffolk Police Department January 2021 WANTED SUBJECTS PERKINS,David L K A : 1 9 0 1 1 In d ia n T o w n R d , C a p ro n , V A C h arg es: R ev o catio n SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR OCTOBER S UFFOLK, Virginia (October 1, 2019 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. View the fugitives on the Virginia Department of Corrections' "Most Wanted" list. Site Map. The Registered Agent on file for this company is United States Corporation Agents Inc. 12 likes, 0 comments - suffolkvapolice on September 3, 2024: "SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED SEPTEMBER 2024 The Suffolk Police Department provides a monthly listing of individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in the Suffolk jurisdiction. Suffolk Police Department MARCH 2025 WANTED SUBJECTS poûcc ROSS, Jahzire LKA: 259 Holbrook Arch Suffolk Charges: Stolen Property: With Intent To sell Embez- zlement S 1000 (F) WILCOX, Lindsey LKA: 144 Roch- dale Ln. Etc. (F) SCOTT JR, David GOODWYN, Quentin LKA: 160 Tynes St. Contributing To The Delinquency Of A Mi- nor x2 (M); DI— Enter- ing Property W/lntent To Damage Dl- Brandishing Firearm In Or Around School (F); DI— Prohibited Criminal Street Gang P articipation MAYO JR, Breon LKA: 428 S Division SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED FOR JULY The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. By working together with law enforcement, our citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be · SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED APRIL 2024 The Suffolk Police Department provides a monthly listing of individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in the Suffolk jurisdiction. By working together with law SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR APRIL S UFFOLK, Virginia (March 30 , 2018 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. By working together Suffolk Police Department. Richmond: (800) 552-9965. Please review the Visitation page for cancellations and updates to the visitation procedures at several VADOC facilities. S u ffo lk Charges:F a lse P o lice R ep o rt (M ); R eck less Suffolk Police Department FEBRUARY 2025 WANTED SUBJECTS Raisean LKA: 408 E Constance Rd. By working together with law enforcement, citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be tolerated within our · SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED FOR SEPTEMBER SUFFOLK, Virginia (September 1, SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED FOR SEPTEMBER SUFFOLK, Virginia (September 1, 2017) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking Looking for public records in Suffolk, VA? Quickly search government records from 70 official databases. Suffolk Charges: Revoca-tion of a Suspend-ed Sentence (M); Revocation of a Suspended Sen-tence (F) x3 HAINES, Jessica LKA: 649 48th St. Ports- Anyone having information concerning any wanted individual, or any law enforcement agency requesting assistance in locating a wanted subject, is urged to call the City of Franklin Police Department at 757-562-8575 or Crime Solvers at 757-516-7100. By working together with law enforcement, our citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR MARCH S UFFOLK, Virginia (March 3 , 2021 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. By PDF-1. (WAVY) — A Chesapeake man is wanted for murder after police found someone dead on the Suffolk Seaboard Coastline Trail off of Suburban Drive Friday afternoon, police said. By working together with law enforcement, citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be tolerated within our communities. Suffolk Charges: Revoca-tion of a Suspend-ed Sentence (F) x5 GRAY, William LKA: 4107 King St, Portsmouth Charges: Revoca-tion of a Suspend-ed Sentence (F) x9 UPDATE TO SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED JULY 2024 - Leeasha Sabb (#7 most wanted) has been arrested. (D-IL)/ Senator Roland Burris (D-IL): President Barack Obama: SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR NOVEMBER S UFFOLK, Virginia (November 3 , 2021 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. The list will typically display names, photographs, known aliases, and We invite you to schedule an appointment at our Suffolk dental office or Virginia Beach offices on Independence Blvd,, Holland Rd. Suffolk Charges: Personal Property: Sell/Move When Lien/Etc. SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED FOR SEPTEMBER SUFFOLK, Virginia (September 6, 2018) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing Suffolk Police Department · September 6, 2018 · Suffolk Most Wanted List. The company's filing status is listed as Active and its File Number is 11293293. L lo y d S t, S u ffo lk C h arg es: C o n tem p t o f C o u rt (M ); P o ssessin g NEWS RELEASE F OR IMMEDIATE R ELEASE Contact Jennifer Moore (Office) 757. Suffolk Charges: DI-Sell, Poss. · A Chesapeake man is wanted for murder after a body was found in Suffolk on Friday, police say. Alert. Jesse Jackson, Jr. Suffolk Police Department MARCH 2024 WANTED SUBJECTS DEMIEL, Decorelle LKA: 1034 Patriot Way, Portsmouth Ct. 4104 SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR MAY SUFFOLK, VA (May 1 , 2023 ) The Suffolk Police Department provides a monthly listing of individuals whom they are seeking for SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR JUNE S UFFOLK, Virginia (June 4 , 2020 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be Suffolk Police Department June 2020 WANTED SUBJECTS BRYANT,Katina L K A : 4 0 6 H arriso n S t, F ra n k lin C h arg es: C o m pu ter F rau d : E m bezzle o r L arcen y X 1 0 (M ); SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR JUNE S UFFOLK, Virginia (June 4 , 2020 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be Suffolk Police Department June 2020 WANTED SUBJECTS BRYANT,Katina L K A : 4 0 6 H arriso n S t, F ra n k lin C h arg es: C o m pu ter F rau d : E m bezzle o r L arcen y X 1 0 (M ); SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR MAY S UFFOLK, Virginia (May 4 , 2021 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be Suffolk Police Department May 2021 WANTED SUBJECTS SILVERS-VELAZQUEZ, Christian L K A : 1 2 3 N o rth S t, S u ffo lk C h arg es: D I-L arcen y o r T h eft 3 rd o r S u b- SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR OCTOBER S UFFOLK, Virginia (October 2 , 2020 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be Suffolk Police Department October 2020 WANTED SUBJECTS WRIGHT,Ryan L K A : 6 1 5 K in se y L a n e , S u ffo lk C h a rg e s: L a rce n y o r T h e ft-3 rd o r S u bse - SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR DECEMBER S UFFOLK, Virginia (December 3, 2019 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. · SUFFOLK, Va. m. — Emanuel Brendelson, 22, was arrested in Suffolk on Thursday at 9:30 p. By working together with law enforcement, our citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR APRIL S UFFOLK, Virginia (April 4, 2019 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. By working together with law enforcement, our citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be SUFFOLK, Virginia (November 6 , 2018) Attached please find the SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR NOVEMBER S UFFOLK, Virginia (November 5 , 2018 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. However, this swamp has a very long history of people who purposely wanted to lose themselves in the swamp. Suffolk LKA: ingham St. Access official databases for criminal record verification and expungement. Scott, 26, is charged with first-degree murder and use of a firearm in commission of a felony in relation to the Dec. The links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites. By working together with law enforcement, our citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR OCTOBER S UFFOLK, VA (October 1 , 2021 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing Suffolk Police Department October 2021 WANTED SUBJECTS GRIFFIN,Jermy LKA:4 1 3 C o llier C res. · Suffolk Police Department FEBRUARY 2025 WANTED SUBJECTS poútct: SMITH, Raydrin LKA: 513 Lucerne Ave. SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED FOR APRIL 2022 The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. 0018 SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR SEPTEMBER SUFFOLK, VA (September 2 , 2022) The Suffolk Police Department provides a monthly listing of individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in the Suffolk SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR APRIL S UFFOLK, Virginia (April 1 , 2021 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be Suffolk Police Department April 2021 WANTED SUBJECTS ANDERSON, Nicole L K A : 4 4 0 0 H u b b ard A v e, S u ffo lk C h arg es: A ffix A n - o th er S ig n atu re T o SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR AUGUST S UFFOLK, Virginia (August 4 , 2021 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be Suffolk Police Department August 2021 WANTED SUBJECTS BESHEPPARD, Ricardo L K A : 1 0 1 0 R ach els D r. HamptonCharges: Charges: (DI) Elec-tion Fraud-False Statement (F) x 17 PARKER, Laterrance LKA: 709 Cocowalk LN, APT 203, Virginia Beach Charges: (DI) Affix An-other’s Signature To Writ-ing Maliciously (M); (DI) Uttering (F); (DI) Obtain-ing Money by False Pre- SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR NOVEMBER S UFFOLK, Virginia (November 3 , 2021 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. Staff Writers . Suffolk Charges: Assault & Battery— Family Member (M); Abduc- · SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED JANUARY 2025 The Suffolk Police Department provides a monthly listing of individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in the Suffolk jurisdiction. (F) HEATH, Amanda LKA: 1520 Lake Speight Dr. · The following people are wanted by the Suffolk Police Department. CountyOffice. . Suffolk Charges: Assault & Suffolk Police Department April 2023 WANTED SUBJECTS COOPER, Dana LKA: 427 Marion Rd. 0018 SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR NOVEMBER SUFFOLK, VA (Novem ber 1 , 2022) The Suffolk Police Department provides a monthly listing of individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in the Suffolk UPDATE TO SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED MARCH 2025 - Ruyan Clark (#7 most wanted) has been arrested. 4 /Pages 2 0 R /StructTreeRoot 3 0 R /MarkInfo 4 0 R /Lang (en) /ViewerPreferences 5 0 R >> endobj 6 0 obj /Title (Updated December Wanted) /Creator (Canva) /Producer (Canva) /CreationDate (D:20241218163202+00'00') /ModDate (D:20241218163202+00'00') /Keywords (DAGY5cyHjG0,BADsUkr1FeA) /Author · SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED - MAY 2020 SUFFOLK, Virginia (May 1, 2020) SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED - MAY 2020 SUFFOLK, Virginia (May 1, 2020) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes 13 likes, 0 comments - suffolkvapolice on January 31, 2024: "UPDATE TO SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED JANUARY 2024 - Seth Turner (#6 most wanted) has been arrested. By working together with law enforcement, our citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED FOR MARCH SUFFOLK, Virginia (March 2, 2022) SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED FOR MARCH SUFFOLK, Virginia (March 2, 2022) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR JULY S UFFOLK, Virginia (July 6 , 2021 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. Suffolk Charges: DI. p n e r t s d o S o 0 2 g g 2, 3 t 1 · SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED FOR SEPTEMBER SUFFOLK, Virginia (September 1, 2017) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking UPDATE TO SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED SEPTEMBER 2024 - Taymiere Hargrove (#1 most wanted) has been arrested. stance Rd. 4104 (Mobile) 757. SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR DECEMBER S UFFOLK, Virginia (December 2 , 2020 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be Town Rd, Capron, VA Charges: Revocation of Suspended Sen- tence (F) SIDWELL, Anna LKA: 2240 Holland Comer Rd, Suffolk Charges: Revocation of Suspended Sen- tence X2 (F) GATLING, LKA: 125 Gates school SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR AUGUST S UFFOLK, Virginia (August 3 , 2020 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be Suffolk Police Department August 2020 WANTED SUBJECTS COLLINS,Travis L K A : 4 3 2 0 R o se m a ry S t, S u ffo lk C h a rg e s: R e v o c a tio n o f S u sp e n d e d S e n - SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR JULY S UFFOLK, Virginia (July 6 , 2021 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. By working together with law enforcement, our citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR AUGUST S UFFOLK, Virginia (August 5, 2019 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. Hampton Roads Crime Line Visit the Hampton Roads Crime Line Website. , or First Colonial Rd. Portsmouth Charges: DI-Grand Larceny (F); DI-Larceny with Intent to sell (F); DI-Conspiracy/Larceny mis Rd. · Suffolk Police Department NOVEMBER 2024 WANTED SUBJECTS scorr, Izayah LKA: 412 Culloden st. 1108L Suffolk Charges: Fail To Ap-pear After Charged With/Felon (M); Forg-ing, Uttering x4 (F); Obtaining Money By False Pretenses >=$1000 (F) A&B, Etc. 381 . Anyone having information concerning any wanted individual, or any law enforcement agency requesting assistance in locating a wanted subject, is urged to call the Virginia State Police at the following division offices: Administrative HQ Richmond: (804) 674-2000. January 2024 WANTED SUBJECTS BAKER, Darius HARDY, Andrew LKA: 2601 Roanoke Ave, Portsmouth Charges: Fleeing From a LEO (M); Alter or Forge License James Ave, Suffolk La, Virginia Beach Charges: Robbery (F); Aggravated Mali-cious Wounding (F); Assault: Shoot, Stab, Stab, Etc. , Suffolk Police arrested 22-year-old Emanuel Brendelson of SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR AUGUST S UFFOLK, Virginia (August 4 , 2021 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be Suffolk Police Department August 2021 WANTED SUBJECTS BESHEPPARD, Ricardo L K A : 1 0 1 0 R ach els D r. Citizens who see any of the suspects or have information on their location are [] SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR JULY S UFFOLK, Virginia (July 1 , 2020 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be Suffolk Police Department July 2020 WANTED SUBJECTS COLLINS,Travis L K A : 4 3 2 0 R o se m a ry S t, S u ffo lk C h a rg e s: R e v o c a tio n o f S u sp e n d e d S e n - SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR APRIL S UFFOLK, Virginia (April 4, 2019 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. By working together with law enforcement, citizens can send a strong message that September 2023 WANTED SUBJECTS BRENDELSON, Emanuel LKA LKA: 523 Catapult Ct. Use our links to search police records, including incident reports and records by name. Anyone with information is asked to contact Suffolk Police or Suffolk Crime /LQH To submit online, go to www. Charges: (DI) Ter-ror Fentanyl (F) x2; (DI) Sell, Poss W/ Intent Distribute. Suffolk Charges: Fleeing from a LEO (M); Convicted Felon (Violent) Possess/ Suffolk Brandishing a Firearm (M); A&B Simple (M) x2; FTA After Charge with Felony/Misd. These individuals are considered high-priority by law enforcement due to the severity of their alleged offenses or their potential threat to public safety. By working together with law enforcement, our citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR AUGUST S UFFOLK, Virginia (August 3 , 2020 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be Suffolk Police Department August 2020 WANTED SUBJECTS COLLINS,Travis L K A : 4 3 2 0 R o se m a ry S t, S u ffo lk C h a rg e s: R e v o c a tio n o f S u sp e n d e d S e n - SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR JUNE S UFFOLK, Virginia (June 4, 2018 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. Map. City of Franklin Police Department Most Wanted List · SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED FOR SEPTEMBER SUFFOLK, Virginia (September 6, SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED FOR SEPTEMBER SUFFOLK, Virginia (September 6, 2018) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking · SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED FOR MARCH SUFFOLK, Virginia (March 2, 2022) SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED FOR MARCH SUFFOLK, Virginia (March 2, 2022) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes · Suffolk Police Department JANUARY 2025 WANTED SUBJECTS SCOTT JR, David LKA: St. NEWS RELEASE F OR IMMEDIATE R ELEASE Contact Jennifer Moore (Office) 757. Suffolk Charges: Failure To Appear After Charged W/ Felony'Misd Or Rel On Summons x2 Petit Larceny (M); Use Or Dis- play Firearm In Commis- slon Of Felony (F); Rob- bery U sing Firearm Or DI splaying A Firearm (F); Firearm: Possess By Fel- NEWS RELEASE F OR IMMEDIATE R ELEASE Contact William Franklin (Office) 757. VIRGINIA Sex Offenders. We apologize for any confusion. 0018 SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR NOVEMBER SUFFOLK, VA (Novem ber 1 , 2022) The Suffolk Police Department provides a monthly listing of individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in the Suffolk · Suffolk Police Department FEBRUARY 2025 WANTED SUBJECTS Raisean LKA: 408 E Constance Rd. to Damage Prop/Interfere W/ Property Rights (M); Contempt of Court (M) Attempt to Com-mit Non Capital Of- This page will provide citizen with information about most wanted individuals throughout the Hampton Roads area. By working together with law enforcement, citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be tolerated · Suffolk Police Department JANUARY 2025 WANTED SUBJECTS SCOTT JR, David LKA: St. of Corrections Most Wanted: VIRGINIA CITY & COUNTY MOST WANTED CRIMINALS: Albemarle County: Arlington: Arlington County: Augusta County: Bluefield: Caroline County: Central NEWS RELEASE F OR IMMEDIATE R ELEASE Contact William Franklin (Office) 757. By working together with law enforcement, our citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED FOR DECEMBER 2022 SUFFOLK, VA (December 2, 2022) The Suffolk Police Department provides a monthly listing of individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in the VIRGINIA STATE MOST WANTED CRIMINALS: Virginia State Police Most Wanted: Virginia Dept. By working together with law enforcement, citizens can send a strong message · SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED FOR JANUARY The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. Charges: (DI) Em-bezzlement >=$1000. and is located at 4445 Corporation Ln Ste 259, Virginia Beach, VA 23462-3262. Most Wanted - Archived (372) 372 posts No categories yet. By working together with law enforcement, our citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR MAY S UFFOLK, Virginia (May 1 , 2020 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be Suffolk Police Department May 2020 WANTED SUBJECTS CHEEKS,Natesha L K A : 2 0 6 S . 1 (877) 896-5764. Charles LKA: 401 Nevada St. VIRGINIA Crime Statistics Discover Suffolk Virginia’s mix of natural beauty, historic sites, and small-town charm. By working together with law enforcement, our citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR APRIL S UFFOLK, Virginia (April 2 , 2020 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be Suffolk Police Department April 2020 WANTED SUBJECTS JENNINGS,Akeem L K A : 4 1 1 2 S a il C t, C h e sa p e a k e C h a rg e s: R o b b e ry : S tre e t (F ); A tte m p t · The Suffolk Police Department has released its “Most Wanted” list for May. By working together with law enforcement, citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be tolerated within our · Suffolk Police Department OCTOBER 2024 WANTED SUBJECTS MAYO JR, Breon LKA: 428 S Division St. 27 murder of Demonz Wilson, according to a city press release. org is an independent organization that gathers Criminal Records and other information from various Suffolk government and non-government sources. (WAVY) — A man in the top three of Suffolk’s September Most Wanted list was arrested on Thursday. If you see any of these individuals, or have · SUFFOLK, Va. or Re-leased on Summons (M) x2; Felonious Assault (F); Rob- UPDATE TO SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED MARCH 2025 - Ruyan Clark (#7 most wanted) has been arrested. · Suffolk police inform News 12 they are searching for a man considered one of the department's most wanted. VIRGINIA STATE MOST WANTED CRIMINALS: Virginia State Police Most Wanted: Suffolk: Tazewell County: Virginia Beach: The Virginia Peninsula: Washington County: Waynesboro: York County: VIRGINIA Police & Sheriff Depts. L lo y d S t, S u ffo lk C h arg es: C o n tem p t o f C o u rt (M ); P o ssessin g SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR JUNE S UFFOLK, Virginia (June 4, 2018 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. The Suffolk Police Department provides a monthly listing of individuals whom they are seeking for Suffolk Police Department. Around 9:30 p. By working together with law enforcement, our citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR SEPTEMBER S UFFOLK, Virginia (September 2 , 2020 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. Police were called out to the 200 block of Suburban Drive for a medical emergency at 2:15 p. 514. · The top person on Suffolk’s Most Wanted List has been arrested on charges including murder. Apt A2 New- port News Charges: Con- tempt of Court (M); · Suffolk Police Department February 2023 WANTED SUBJECTS BAKER, Darius-LKA: 2601 Roanke Ave, Portsmouth Charges: Headlights Fail to Illuminate at Night (M); No Drivers License (M); Alter or Forge License Plate or Decal (M); Fleeing From a LEO (M); Wearing a Mask in Public (F); Pos-sess Firearm While in Pos-session of Drugs (F); Pos- See all available apartments for rent at Boulevard at 3200 in Suffolk, VA. in Commis-sion of a Felony (F); %PDF-1. The Suffolk Police Department provides a monthly listing of individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in the Suffolk jurisdiction. SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR DECEMBER S UFFOLK, Virginia (December 1 , 2021 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. x3(F) x4; (DI) For-gery x12 F), (DI) Ut- Ave. 4 /Pages 2 0 R /StructTreeRoot 3 0 R /MarkInfo 4 0 R /Lang (en) /ViewerPreferences 5 0 R >> endobj 6 0 obj /Title (Updated October Most Wanted) /Creator (Canva) /Producer (Canva) /CreationDate (D:20241022131121+00'00') /ModDate (D:20241022131120+00'00') /Keywords (DAGUTRdhlpo,BADsUkr1FeA) /Author (Mbartholomew) >> endobj 2 0 obj /Type · SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED FOR NOVEMBER SUFFOLK, VA (November 1, 2022) The Suffolk Police Department provides a monthly listing of individuals whom they are · SUFFOLK -- The Suffolk Police Department is asking for the public's help to catch criminals. By working together with law enforcement, our citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be NEWS RELEASE F OR IMMEDIATE R ELEASE Contact Jennifer Moore (Office) 757. 0018 SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR SEPTEMBER SUFFOLK, VA (September 2 , 2022) The Suffolk Police Department provides a monthly listing of individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in the Suffolk SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR JUNE S UFFOLK, Virginia (June 4, 2018 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. Most Wanted - Southampton Town (1) 1 post No categories yet. 0018 SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR JANUARY SUFFOLK, VA (January 6, 2023 ) The Suffolk Police Department provides a monthly listing of individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in the Suffolk · SUFFOLK, Va. SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED JULY 2024 The Suffolk Police Department provides a monthly listing of individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in the Suffolk jurisdiction. · 5 likes, 0 comments - suffolkvapolice on December 5, 2024: "SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED DECEMBER 2024 The Suffolk Police Department provides a monthly listing of individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in the Suffolk jurisdiction. At Icon Dental Brands, we work hard to ensure every appointment is comfortable, relieves any discomfort, or gives you the smile you've always wanted! SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED FOR JANUARY The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. It will release a 'Most Wanted' list each month. , To UPDATE TO SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED FOR JANUARY 2023 - Jonathan Jackson (#1 most wanted) was arrested on January 6, 2023. By working together with law enforcement, our citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR APRIL S UFFOLK, Virginia (March 30 , 2018 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. Third or Sub-sequent Offense (F) x4: 4800 Manor. com, visit the Suffolk Police Department website (www. SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR FEBRUARY S UFFOLK, Virginia (February 5 , 2019 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. Anyone with information on any of the suspects should call Suffolk Crime Line at 1-888-LOCK-U-UP. 4 /Pages 2 0 R /StructTreeRoot 3 0 R /MarkInfo 4 0 R /Lang (en) /ViewerPreferences 5 0 R >> endobj 6 0 obj /Title (Updated November Most Wanted) /Creator (Canva) /Producer (Canva) /CreationDate (D:20241113200633+00'00') /ModDate (D:20241113200632+00'00') /Keywords (DAGWZGk4q7s,BADsUkr1FeA) /Author (Mbartholomew) >> endobj 2 Suffolk Police Department NOVEMBER 2024 WANTED SUBJECTS scorr, Izayah LKA: 412 Culloden st. The Suffolk Police Department provides a monthly listing of individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in the Suffolk · To submit online, go to www. · SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED FOR SEPTEMBER SUFFOLK, Virginia (September 1, 2017) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. — Despite its occurrence every year, tax season looms over most people, so I wanted to see if there were any local programs that would make the filing process easier for people SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED FOR OCTOBER The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. Current Most Wanted in Suffolk. Suffolk Charges: Fire-arm: Possess By Felon (Nonviolent Suffolk Police Department March 2021 WANTED SUBJECTS LKA: 2710 Ike St, Leaf Trail, Portsmouth of Suspended Sen-tence X2 (F) HARRELL, Jason LKA: 332 34th Street, Newport News Virginia Beach, VA Charges: Trespass W/Int. Most Wanted - Suffolk County (12) 12 posts No categories yet. , X2 (F); Possession of COLLINS, Travis LKA: 4320 Rosemary St, Suffolk Charges: Revocation of Suspended Sen-tence X3 (M); Revo-cation of Suspended Sentence X8 (F) WRIGHT, Ryan LKA: 615 Kinsey Lane, Suffolk Charges: Larceny or Theft-3rd or Subsequent Offense (F); Conspire to UPDATE TO SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED DECEMBER 2024 - Breon Taylor (#8 most wanted) has been arrested. January 9 · UPDATE TO SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED JANUARY 2025 · On Wednesday, the Suffolk Police Department along with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tabaco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), and the United States Marshal Service issued ten narcotics and firearms related %PDF-1. By working together with law SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR MAY S UFFOLK, Virginia (April 30 , 2018 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR MAY S UFFOLK, Virginia (May 4 , 2021 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be Suffolk Police Department May 2021 WANTED SUBJECTS SILVERS-VELAZQUEZ, Christian L K A : 1 2 3 N o rth S t, S u ffo lk C h arg es: D I-L arcen y o r T h eft 3 rd o r S u b- %PDF-1. By working together with law enforcement, our citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR JANUARY S UFFOLK, Virginia (January 5, 2021 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be Suffolk Police Department January 2021 WANTED SUBJECTS PERKINS,David L K A : 1 9 0 1 1 In d ia n T o w n R d , C a p ro n , V A C h arg es: R ev o catio n INSIDE SUFFOLK VIRGINIA DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY ABOUT SUFFOLK? Friday, August 6, 2010. Most Wanted - Nassau County (12) 12 posts No categories yet. Barney Frank (D-MA): Secretary of Treasury Timothy Geithner: Attorney General Eric Holder: Rep. “By working together with law enforcement, our citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be tolerated within our communities,” the department said in a news release. Skip to content. BOSSICK, Michele. 0018 SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR OCTOBER SUFFOLK, VA (October 7 , 2022) The Suffolk Police Department provides a monthly listing of individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in the Suffolk Suffolk Police Department November 2022 WANTED SUBJECTS FAUST, ReginaldMYRICK, Ryan LKA: 326 E. Contributing To The Delinquency Of A Mi- nor x2 (M); DI— Enter- ing Property W/lntent To Damage Dl- Brandishing Firearm In Or Around School (F); DI— Prohibited Criminal Street Gang P articipation MAYO JR, Breon LKA: 428 S Division View the fugitives on the Virginia Department of Corrections' "Most Wanted" list. TEN MOST WANTED Senator Christopher Dodd (D-CT): Senator John Ensign (R-NV): Rep. By working together SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR OCTOBER S UFFOLK, VA (October 1 , 2021 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing Suffolk Police Department October 2021 WANTED SUBJECTS GRIFFIN,Jermy LKA:4 1 3 C o llier C res. Suffolk Charges: Failure To Appear After Charged W/ Felony'Misd Or Rel On Summons x2 Petit Larceny (M); Use Or Dis- play Firearm In Commis- slon Of Felony (F); Rob- bery U sing Firearm Or DI splaying A Firearm (F); Firearm: Possess By Fel- · Smith had outstanding warrants for two counts of attempted homicide in Suffolk and several narcotics charges in Norfolk and Suffolk. City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, VA 23434 Phone: 757-514 -4000. 0018 SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR NOVEMBER SUFFOLK, VA (Novem ber 1 , 2022) The Suffolk Police Department provides a monthly listing of individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in the Suffolk St. By working together with law enforcement, our citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be Suffolk Police Department FEBRUARY 2025 WANTED SUBJECTS Raisean LKA: 408 E Constance Rd. Contributing To The Suffolk Police Department April 2018 WANTED SUBJECTS sault & Battery (M), GREEN, Pete LKA: 106 N Capital St, Suffolk Charges: Felonious Assault (F) ALLEN, Juwon LKA: 809 Second Ave, Apt 2F, Suffolk Charges: Abduction & Kidnapping (F), As-Destruction of Proper-ty (M), Revocation of Suspended Sentence (F), Revocation X 12 (M) MIZZELLE, Vernon SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED FOR JANUARY 2023 The Suffolk Police Department provides a monthly listing of individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in the Suffolk jurisdiction. Suffolk Charges: Assault & Battery— Family Member Break And Enter With Intent To Commit Larceny, A&B, Etc. Suffolk Charges: Assault & Battery— Family Member (M); Abduc- · SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED - MAY 2020 SUFFOLK, Virginia (May 1, 2020) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes Suffolk Police Department. Boulevard at 3200 has rental units ranging from 632-1360 sq ft starting at $1579. 0018 SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR JANUARY SUFFOLK, VA (January 6, 2023 ) The Suffolk Police Department provides a monthly listing of individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in the Suffolk SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR MARCH S UFFOLK, Virginia (March 7 , 2019 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. By working together with law enforcement, our citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR OCTOBER S UFFOLK, Virginia (October 1, 2019 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. com , visit the Suffolk Police Department website SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR JUNE S UFFOLK, Virginia (June 3 , 2021 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be Suffolk Police Department June 2021 WANTED SUBJECTS COLEMAN,Joshua L K A : 3 5 0 1 M a n n in g R d , S uf fo lk C h a rg e s: C re d it C a rd F ra u d : = > $ 1 ,0 0 0 In 6 Explore Suffolk, VA criminal records, jail records, and crime maps. Suffolk Charges: Revoca- tion Of Suspended Sentence (F) x5 NORFLEET, Larry LKA: 2008 Freeney Ave Apt 302 Suffolk Charges: No Drivers Explore a directory of police records in Suffolk, VA. Hampton Charges: (DI) Elec-tion Fraud-False Statement (F) x 17 PARKER, Laterrance LKA: 709 Cocowalk LN, APT 203, Virginia BeachDr, Portsmouth Charges: (DI) Affix An-other’s Signature To Writ-ing Maliciously (M); (DI) Uttering (F); (DI) Obtain- A Chesapeake man is wanted for murder after police found someone dead on the Suffolk Seaboard Coastline Trail off of Suburban Drive Friday afternoon, police said. Suffolk Charges: Assault & Battery— Family Member (M); Abduc- The Suffolk Most Wanted List is a public tool used by the Suffolk Police Department to enlist the assistance of the community in locating individuals who are sought for various crimes. By working together with law enforcement, our citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR NOVEMBER S UFFOLK, Virginia (November 5 , 2019 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. Connect. Menu. Wash-ington St. 4104 SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR MAY SUFFOLK, VA (May 1 , 2023 ) The Suffolk Police Department provides a monthly listing of individuals whom they are seeking for SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR JUNE S UFFOLK, Virginia (June 3 , 2021 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be Suffolk Police Department June 2021 WANTED SUBJECTS COLEMAN,Joshua L K A : 3 5 0 1 M a n n in g R d , S uf fo lk C h a rg e s: C re d it C a rd F ra u d : = > $ 1 ,0 0 0 In 6 Criminal Records in Suffolk (Virginia) Official Sources for Suffolk Criminal Records. 3200 Suffolk Police Department MARCH 2025 WANTED SUBJECTS MAYS, Aaliyah ROSS, Jahzire LKA: 4109 Sassa-fras Ct. Suffolk Charges: Driving Under Suspension (M); Fail to Maintain Proper Control/ Improper Brakes (M); Revocation of Sus-pended Sentence (F); Disregard Police Com-mand To Stop, Endan-germent (F) Mizell, Raisean ROBERTSON, LKA: 408 E Con-stance Rd. By working together with law enforcement, our citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR APRIL S UFFOLK, Virginia (April 1 , 2021 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be Suffolk Police Department April 2021 WANTED SUBJECTS ANDERSON, Nicole L K A : 4 4 0 0 H u b b ard A v e, S u ffo lk C h arg es: A ffix A n - o th er S ig n atu re T o SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR MARCH S UFFOLK, Virginia (March 3 , 2021 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be providing on a monthly basis a listing of those individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in our jurisdiction. Contact Us. Kristin Felts is remembered as a special person who loved those she knew without exception. UPDATE TO SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED NOVEMBER 2024 - Clementine Clayton (#10 most wanted) has been arrested. I wanted to share this info to hopefully prevent them from preying on innocent people 10/9/16 . · Suffolk Police Department MARCH 2025 WANTED SUBJECTS poûcc ROSS, Jahzire LKA: 259 Holbrook Arch Suffolk Charges: Stolen Property: With Intent To sell Embez- zlement S 1000 (F) WILCOX, Lindsey LKA: 144 Roch- dale Ln. JUNE 2024 WANTED SUBJECTS. By working together with law enforcement, citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be UPDATE TO SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED MARCH 2025 - Ruyan Clark (#7 most wanted) has been arrested. Press Releases (13) 13 posts No categories yet. The Suffolk Police Department provides a SUFFOLK ¶S MOST WANTED FOR MAY S UFFOLK, Virginia (May 3 , 2019 ) The Suffolk Police Department will be contact the Suffolk Police Department and let them do their job. W/Intent, Dis-tribute, Etc. Jerome J. Contributing To The Delinquency Of A Mi- nor x2 (M); DI— Enter- ing Property W/lntent To Damage Dl- Brandishing Firearm In Or Around School (F); DI— Prohibited Criminal Street Gang P articipation MAYO JR, Breon LKA: 428 S Division · SUFFOLK’S MOST WANTED FOR NOVEMBER SUFFOLK, VA (November 1, 2022) The Suffolk Police Department provides a monthly listing of individuals whom they are seeking for crimes committed in the Suffolk · Suffolk Police Department. 840. suffolkva. By working together with law enforcement, our citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be · SUFFOLK, Va. - Raquwon Faulk (#5 most wanted) has been arrested. By working together with law enforcement, our citizens can send a strong message that crime will not be · September 2, 2020 Suffolk's Most Wanted for September; August 31, 2020 - Update - Police Investigating Commercial Armed Robbery; June 8, 2015 Suffolk Police To Help With Virginia Law Enforcement Torch Run For Special Olympics (PD; June 5, 2015 Suffolks Most Wanted For June (PDF) NEWS RELEASE F OR IMMEDIATE R ELEASE Contact William Franklin (Office) 757.
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