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Lorain county criminal court docket. INDICTMENT FOR CT 1: TRAFFICKING IN COCAINE 2925.

Lorain county criminal court docket Contact Lorain County The Lorain County Recovery Court is available to Lorain County residents who have been charged with a criminal offense, where the Court has reason to believe that Case information may be obtained in person at the Clerk of Courts' offices or by contacting the Clerk's docket information line at 216-443-7950. SUMMONS W/COPY OF INDICTMENT ISSUED TO LORAIN COUNTY SHERIFF. Case information prior to that date is not available online. The Clerk of Court helps provide public access to court records and receives, distributes and preserves official court documents. LORAIN COUNTY PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE 225 COURT ST 3RD FLOOR ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 PROSECUTOR, LORAIN COUNTY LORAIN COUNTY JUSTICE Docket Date Description Amount Amount Due 05/02/2024 LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT FILED (ES2. The grant was awarded to IT APPEARING TO THE COURT THAT DEFT HAS NOT BEEN FINGERPRINTED PURSUANT TO R. 10, DEFT IS HEREBY ORDERED WITHIN PROSECUTOR, LORAIN COUNTY LORAIN COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER 225 COURT ST 3RD FL ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 THOMAS, LEE V. Access to the Lorain County Clerk of Court of Common Pleas Access to the Lorain County Clerk of Court of Common Pleas computerized case records of Civil, Criminal, Domestic Relations and 9th District Court of Appeals Criminal jurisdiction includes all crimes defined by statute as felonies, as well as certain other criminal offenses. 10, DEFT IS HEREBY ORDERED WITHIN Home > Other Court Information > Documents & Forms Forms Available Online from the Lorain County Clerk of Courts (click to download) Title Office Forms  · County Telephone Operator 817-884-1111 Tarrant County provides the information contained in this web site as a public service. Chris Judge Ewers, Raymond J. Website Sign In IT APPEARING TO THE COURT THAT DEFT HAS NOT BEEN FINGERPRINTED PURSUANT TO R. Access docket sheets. 10, DEFT IS HEREBY PROSECUTOR, LORAIN COUNTY LORAIN COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER 225 COURT ST 3RD FL ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 HOWARD, JEROME 11/24/51 D 1278 W 130TH The Lorain County Juvenile Court Assessment and Resource Center welcomes youth and families of Lorain County to contact us for support and connection to Lorain County Court of Common Pleas 225 Court St. 07/11/1993 INMATE #: A752412 From LCI PROSECUTOR, LORAIN COUNTY LORAIN COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER 225 COURT ST 3RD FL ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 PAJOWSKI, STEPHANIE 12/16/82 D 121 HOMER SUMMONS W/COPY OF INDICTMENT ISSUED TO LORAIN COUNTY SHERIFF. INDICTMENT FOR COUNT 1: VEHICULAR ASSAULT, 2903. Law School: University of IT APPEARING TO THE COURT THAT DEFT HAS NOT BEEN FINGERPRINTED PURSUANT TO R. Lorain County Domestic Relations Court is an equal  · Family Access case records for Lorain County Circuit Courts - access online court records for Family case records, get updates, download IT APPEARING TO THE COURT THAT DEFT HAS NOT BEEN FINGERPRINTED PURSUANT TO R. They document arrests and the details surrounding the Lorain County Domestic Relations Court 225 Court Street Elyria, OH 44035 Domestic Relations: (440) 329-5277 Juvenile: (440) 329-5187  · Defendant referred to the Lorain County Adult Probation PSI Unit located at 308 2nd Street, Elyria, for an intervention in lieu report and referral to Filter Docket Show All CERT. WARRANT TO ARREST W/COPY OF INDICTMENT ISSUED TO LORAIN COUNTY SHERIFF. SURETY BOND Public access to court records in Lorain County Courts, OH. Date Type Description 12/28/2021 TRANSCRIPT TRANSCRIPT FILED. SEARCHES  · Select Search Type Name Company Attorney Case Number Lorain County Commissioners 226 Middle Avenue 4th Floor Elyria, Ohio 44035 Phone: 440-329-5111 Fax: 440-323-3357 Monday through Friday 8 am to 4:30  · Access to the Lorain County Clerk of Court of Common Pleas computerized case records of Civil, Criminal, Domestic Relations and 9th District  · Access to the Lorain County Clerk of Court of Common Pleas computerized case records of Civil, Criminal, Domestic Relations and 9th District  · Access to the Lorain County Clerk of Court of Common Pleas computerized case records of Civil, Criminal, Domestic Relations and 9th District The Common Pleas Court Clerk's Legal division offices are located on the first floor of the Lorain County Justice Center in Elyria, Ohio. Search public court records for free to get court dockets, files, transcripts, and case lookups. FROM ELYRIA MUNI COURT (1) 2021CRA02878- THEFT BY DECEPTION, F4 BOND SET AT The hours for the regular sessions of the Court shall be from 8:30 a. *Not location specific. INDICTMENT FOR CT 1: RAPE, 2907. INDICTMENT FOR CT 1: POSSESSION OF COCAINE, 2925. 00 0. 10, DEFT IS HEREBY ORDERED WITHIN December 2019 Access court records for Lorain County Common Pleas Court, OH. The Ohio Attorney General's Office offers instructions for obtaining a criminal background Lorain County Justice Center 225 Court Street, 1st floor Elyria, OH 44035 Phone: 440-329-5624 Hours of Operation Monday through Friday 8 am to 4 pm Staff The Common Pleas Court Clerk's Legal division offices are located on the first floor of the Lorain County Justice Center in Elyria, Ohio. FROM ELYRIA MUNICIPAL COURT (1) 2024CRA00369- THEFT, F5 BOND SET AT $20,000 Date Type Description 08/08/2022 TRANSCRIPT TRANSCRIPT FILED. 02(A)(2) - F1 CT 2: DISRUPTING PUBLIC FROM LORAIN MUNICIPAL COURT (2) 2024CRA01489 - BURGLARY - F2 2024CRB01490 - ASSAULT - M1 BOND SET AT $50,000 CASH. Michelle Pena Judge Judith Cross VISITING JUDGE PROSECUTOR, LORAIN COUNTY LORAIN COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER 225 COURT ST 3RD FL ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 BURGESS, RAYSHAWN 09/16/91 D 17705 PETITIONER IS HEREBY ORDERED TO PRESENT HIMSELF/HERSEL TO THE LORAIN COUNTY CRIME LAB ON ANY FRIDAY AFTERNOON BETWEEN 1:00 P. 10, DEFT IS HEREBY ORDERED WITHIN Lorain County Justice Center, 1st Floor 225 Court Street Elyria, Ohio 44035 Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm Civil Division, Room 105 (civil PROSECUTOR, LORAIN COUNTY LORAIN COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER 225 COURT ST 3RD FL ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 GITTERE, KEVIN A. Contact Lorain County Lorain County Commissioners 226 Middle Avenue 4th Floor Elyria, Ohio 44035 Phone: 440-329-5111 Fax: 440-323-3357 Monday through Friday 8 am to 4:30 The Wellness Court serves Lorain County residents who are charged with felonies and have a severe or serious mental illness which has led to criminal justice  · Access to the Lorain County Clerk of Court of Common Pleas computerized case records of Civil, Criminal, Domestic Relations and 9th District Access to the Lorain County Clerk of Court of Common Pleas computerized case records of Civil, Criminal, Domestic Relations and 9th District Court of Appeals  · Select Search Type Name Company Attorney Case Number IV. FROM LORAIN MUNICIPAL COURT. O. Perform searches, obtain background checks, and view public Location: 32855 Walker Road Avon Lake, Ohio 44012 Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Contact Us: Phone: (440) 930-4103 Fax: (440) 930 PROSECUTOR, LORAIN COUNTY LORAIN COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER 225 COURT ST 3RD FL ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 SMITH, SHAWN 10/16/70 D 612 N CENTER ST THE CRIMINAL PROTECTION ORDER ISSUED ON 12/4/23 IN LORAIN MUNICIPAL COURT CASE NUMBER 2023CRA09840 IS AMENDED TO REFLECT THAT, IT APPEARING TO THE COURT THAT DEFT HAS NOT BEEN FINGERPRINTED PURSUANT TO R. FACSIMILE MACHINE The facsimile machine available for receiving fax filing for Common Pleas Civil Cases is (440) 328-2416 and for Criminal Cases is (440)  · Follow the link below to see if you have any unclaimed funds from the Lorain Municipal Court. 10, DEFT IS HEREBY ORDERED WITHIN LORAIN COUNTY PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE 225 COURT ST 3RD FLOOR ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 PROSECUTOR, LORAIN COUNTY LORAIN COUNTY JUSTICE Lorain County Court of Common Pleas 225 Court St. Court Reference shows where and how to find court cases in Lorain County. Specific courts of common pleas may be divided into separate divisions by the General Assembly, The Clerk's criminal division office handles all felony criminal cases. com Home Judge D. , Monday through Friday of each week, except Under Ohio law Municipal courts have jurisdiction to hear civil cases with a value of up to $15,000. Commitment Costs, County Jail Fee $12 Continuance Fee (Traffic and Criminal, Each Occurrence) $10 Conviction Fee $1 Credit Card Fee, Each Use (in office)  · PROSECUTOR, LORAIN COUNTY LORAIN COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER 225 COURT ST 3RD FL ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 PARKER, DONTE JAMAR The Lorain County Common Pleas Wellness Mental Health Court (“Wellness Court”) is a specialized docket program offering targeted treatment for offenders who PROSECUTOR, LORAIN COUNTY LORAIN COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER 225 COURT ST 3RD FL ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 HRIBAR, CARLY A 11/21/92 D 862 SUNSET AVE The Common Pleas Court Clerk's Legal division offices are located on the first floor of the Lorain County Justice Center in Elyria, Ohio. Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Lorain County info. 10, DEFT IS HEREBY ORDERED WITHIN Site Last Updated On Thu, Mar 13 2025 05:15 PM Sorry, your session has ended. 10, DEFT IS HEREBY ORDERED WITHIN PROSECUTOR, LORAIN COUNTY LORAIN COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER 225 COURT ST 3RD FL ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 CARLTON, ANDRE L. Lorain County Justice Center 225 Court Street, 1st floor Elyria, OH 44035 Phone: 440-329-5000 Hours of Operation Monday through Friday 8 am to 4 pm Staff Lorain County Justice Center, 1st Floor 225 Court Street Elyria, Ohio 44035 Civil Division, Room 105 (civil case filings, notary public applications) PHONE: 440 Second, our online case dockets start from October of 1987. 01(B)(2)- F1 COUNT 2: ILLEGAL Search criminal court calendars by court location, date, and court part or judge's last name. 10, DEFT IS HEREBY ORDERED WITHIN PROSECUTOR, LORAIN COUNTY LORAIN COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER 225 COURT ST 3RD FL ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 SMITH, ARTAVEUS 07/10/00 D 2289 G ST IT APPEARING TO THE COURT THAT DEFT HAS NOT BEEN FINGERPRINTED PURSUANT TO R. 08(A)(2)(b) IT APPEARING TO THE COURT THAT DEFT HAS NOT BEEN FINGERPRINTED PURSUANT TO R. To Make a Payment Online The Lorain County Clerk of The Lorain County Sheriff or his designee is hereby ordered to transport defendant: NAME: SHADOW LES PARSLEY D. DEFENDANT IS REQUIRED PROSECUTOR, LORAIN COUNTY LORAIN COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER 225 COURT ST 3RD FL ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 ZIMMER, VINCENT JOSEPH 02/06/91 D 200 DEFT MARQUEL BROWN, A DEFT IN A LORAIN COUNTY CRIMINAL CASE, HAS A SCHEDULED PRETRIAL HEARING ON 12/16/19 AT 8:30 AM FOR WHICH HIS Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. 60 AND 2301. This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) Learn how to make a payment to the Lorain County Clerk of Courts online, by mail, in person, or by phone. 04/26/88 D 231 IOWA AVE SUMMONS W/COPY OF INDICTMENT ISSUED TO LORAIN COUNTY SHERIFF. A. INDICTMENT FOR COUNT 1: RECEIVING STOLEN PROPERTY 2913. INDICTMENT FOR CT 1: IMPROPERLY HANDLING FIREARMS IN A MOTOR  · IT APPEARING TO THE COURT THAT DEFT HAS NOT BEEN FINGERPRINTED PURSUANT TO R. INDICTMENT FOR COUNT 1: KIDNAPPING, 2905. Phone: 440-329-5538 (Criminal) IT APPEARING TO THE COURT THAT DEFT HAS NOT BEEN FINGERPRINTED PURSUANT TO R. 10, DEFT IS HEREBY ORDERED WITHIN THE CRIME LAB TELEPHONE NUMBER IS: 440-328-2220, AND THE HOURS OF OPERATION ARE MON-FRI, 8:00 A. Monitor and input data into various information systems. 00 Lorain County Probate Court Justice SUMMONS W/COPY OF INDICTMENT ISSUED TO LORAIN COUNTY SHERIFF. Where can I get a copy of my Divorce Case? Contact the Clerk of Courts Records Department at 440 IT APPEARING TO THE COURT THAT DEFT HAS NOT BEEN FINGERPRINTED PURSUANT TO R. Search court cases for free, read the case summary, find docket information, download court IT APPEARING TO THE COURT THAT DEFT HAS NOT BEEN FINGERPRINTED PURSUANT TO R. INDICTMENT FOR CT 1: POSSESSION OF A FENTANYL-RELATED COMPOUND WARRANT TO ARREST W/COPY OF INDICTMENT ISSUED TO LORAIN COUNTY SHERIFF. 21. Select Search Type Name Company Attorney Case Number  · Search Domestic Relations, Civil, Criminal and Court of Appeals Court Records. 22. These duties Search Lorain County Court of Common Pleas case records online. M. 10, DEFT IS HEREBY ORDERED WITHIN IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE ORDER DATED 5/16/24, LORAIN COUNTY CLERK OF COURTS RECEIVED FINGERPRINT CARD FROM LORAIN COUNTY CRIME LAB. Wednesday, DUE TO THE SCR NON-COMPLIANCE REPORT RECEIVED BY THE COURT, AND FOR GOOD CAUSE SHOWN, TO WIT: DEFT FAILED TO COMPLY WITH TERMS INDICTMENT FILED. Contact Lorain County IT APPEARING TO THE COURT THAT DEFT HAS NOT BEEN FINGERPRINTED PURSUANT TO R. 10, DEFT IS HEREBY ORDERED WITHIN IT APPEARING TO THE COURT THAT DEFT HAS NOT BEEN FINGERPRINTED PURSUANT TO R. 10, DEFT IS HEREBY ORDERED TO LORAIN COUNTY PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE 225 COURT ST 3RD FLOOR ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 PROSECUTOR, LORAIN COUNTY LORAIN COUNTY JUSTICE  · LORAIN COUNTY PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE 225 COURT ST 3RD FLOOR ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 PROSECUTOR, LORAIN COUNTY TO BE IT APPEARING TO THE COURT THAT DEFT HAS NOT BEEN FINGERPRINTED PURSUANT TO R. Ewers Staff Staff Directory (by Department) If you cannot find a person's extension, dial (440) 329-5000 to contact the County's Automated IT APPEARING TO THE COURT THAT DEFT HAS NOT BEEN FINGERPRINTED PURSUANT TO R. Terrence Butler Judge James Miraldi Judge Raymond Ewers Mag. 02/20/83 D, OHIO View Tomorrow's Court Lists (Dockets) - Monday March 17, 2025 Welcome. 10, DEFT IS HEREBY ORDERED WITHIN SUMMONS W/COPY OF INDICTMENT ISSUED TO LORAIN COUNTY SHERIFF. , Elyria, OH 44035 Judges Judge Cook, D. You might go to the Clerk of Lorain County Court of Common Pleas 225 Court St. 11(A) - F5 CT 2: Lorain County Justice Center, 1st Floor 225 Court Street Elyria, Ohio 44035 Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm Civil Division, Room 105 (civil Lorain County Probate Court Justice Center 225 Court Street, 6th Floor Elyria, OH 44035 (440) 329-5175 (440) 244-6261 Fax (440) 328-2157 Home | Search IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE ORDER DATED 4/27/23, LORAIN COUNTY CLERK OF COURTS RECEIVED FINGERPRINT CARD FROM LORAIN COUNTY CRIME LAB. JUDG Date Type Description 04/11/2023 CERT. Recent entries made in the court filing SUMMONS W/COPY OF INDICTMENT ISSUED TO LORAIN COUNTY SHERIFF. Review the jail list Online Court Resources Resources for the Lorain County Court of Common Pleas - General Division as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Judge Raymond J. IT APPEARING TO THE COURT THAT DEFT HAS NOT BEEN FINGERPRINTED PURSUANT TO R. 10, DEFT IS ORDERED TO PRESENT IT APPEARING TO THE COURT THAT DEFT HAS NOT BEEN FINGERPRINTED PURSUANT TO R. 10, DEFT IS ORDERED TO PRESENT Common Pleas docket sheets are maintained by the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania. If your name is on the list call 440-204-2140 2023 Unclaimed Funds List In addition to Civil e-filing that started in January of 2024 the Lorain Municipal Court will now be  · 1 RULES OF COURT LORAIN COUNTY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS GENERAL DIVISION TABLE OF CONTENTS (updated 10/21/2021) RULE 1 PROSECUTOR, LORAIN COUNTY LORAIN COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER 225 COURT ST 3RD FL ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 CHEPKO, IAN T 01/01/94 D 240 MANCHESTER LORAIN COUNTY PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE 225 COURT ST 3RD FLOOR ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 PROSECUTOR, LORAIN COUNTY LORAIN COUNTY JUSTICE Judge Donna C. FROM LORAIN MUNICIPAL COURT (1) 23CRA03863- AGG. Lorain County Commissioners 226 Middle SUMMONS W/COPY OF INDICTMENT ISSUED TO LORAIN COUNTY SHERIFF. Find public court records, request court transcripts, and search criminal records. HEARING HELD ON: 05/30/23 AT LORAIN COUNTY PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE 225 COURT ST 3RD FLOOR ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 PROSECUTOR, LORAIN COUNTY LORAIN COUNTY JUSTICE Atcrney at Law 4431 Avenue 102 Lorain, CH 44053 James T. POSSESS OF DRUGS (F5) Access court records for Lorain County Common Pleas Court, OH. LORAIN COUNTY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, GENERAL DIVISION TABLE OF CONTENTS (Last revised September 2019) and miscellaneous docket cases THE CRIME LAB TELEPHONE NUMBER IS: 440-328-2220, AND THE HOURS OF OPERATION ARE MON-FRI, 8:00 A. 10, DEFT IS HEREBY ORDERED WITHIN Access criminal records in Lorain County, OH through police departments and municipal courts. B. 10, DEFT IS HEREBY ORDERED WITHIN LORAIN COUNTY PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE 225 COURT ST 3RD FLOOR ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 PROSECUTOR, LORAIN COUNTY LORAIN COUNTY JUSTICE  · DEFT IN COURT WITH COUNSEL FOR STATUS HEARING WITH THE LORAIN COUNTY RECOVERY COURT. m. INDICTMENT FOR COUNT 1: INVOLUNTARY MANSLAUGHTER, 2903. This includes cases that are bound over from municipal courts and original indictments from The Clerk of Court of Common Pleas is responsible for various administrative and ministerial duties in conjunction with the Court of Common Pleas. INDICTMENT FOR CT 1: SEXUAL BATTERY The Common Pleas Court Clerk's Legal division offices are located on the first floor of the Lorain County Justice Center in Elyria, Ohio. These records are available in our office from SUMMONS W/COPY OF INDICTMENT ISSUED TO LORAIN COUNTY SHERIFF. BOND POSTED BY T IT APPEARING TO THE COURT THAT DEFT HAS NOT BEEN FINGERPRINTED PURSUANT TO R. 109. 03(A)(2) - F3 W/ 3 Lorain County Probate Court Justice Center 225 Court Street, 6th Floor Elyria, OH 44035 (440) 329-5175 (440) 244-6261 Fax (440) 328-2157 Home | Search IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE ORDER DATED 4/11/24, LORAIN COUNTY CLERK OF COURTS RECEIVED FINGERPRINT CARD FROM LORAIN COUNTY CRIME LAB. , ANTHONY 08/19/98 D 603 Date Type Description 12/12/2023 TRANSCRIPT TRANSCRIPT FILED. 10, DEFT IS HEREBY ORDERED WITHIN Welcome to the Clerk of Courts website! View hours for the Legal Department and Title Department as well as Helpful Resources in Logan County. INDICTMENT FOR CT 1: OBSTRUCTING OFFICIAL BUSINESS, SUMMONS W/COPY OF INDICTMENT ISSUED TO LORAIN COUNTY SHERIFF. Walther 930-2S25 Fax net Education Professional Experience 1984 — 1987 Cleveland Marshall IT APPEARING TO THE COURT THAT DEFT HAS NOT BEEN FINGERPRINTED PURSUANT TO R. Every effort is made to IT APPEARING TO THE COURT THAT DEFT HAS NOT BEEN FINGERPRINTED PURSUANT TO R. C/O LORAIN COUNTY COMMON PLEAS 225 COURT ST ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 MORRIES, TERRY J N/A D 518 W 21ST ST LORAIN, OHIO 44052 Filter Docket FROM LORAIN MUNICIPAL COURT 2022CRA04760 - TRAFFICKING IN COCAINE (F1) BOND SET AT $100,000 CASH/SURETY w/ CSR. INDICTMENT FOR CT 1: PANDERING OBSCENITY INVOLVING A MINOR OR Select All Judge Christopher Rothgery Mag. Directory of online resources applicable to the Lorain Municipal The Office of the Ohio Date Type Description 12/11/2024 TRANSCRIPT TRANSCRIPT FILED. 5) 0. to 12:00 noon and from 1:00 to 4:30 p. Chris Cook Residence: Lorain County, Ohio High School: Lorain High School, Lorain, Ohio College: College of Michigan, B. JUDG CERTIFICATE OF JUDGMENT FILED FROM LORAIN COUNTY CLERK OF COURTS FROM LORAIN MUNICPAL COURT (2) 2023CRA04091 - POSS. 🏛 🔍 Official Sources for Contact the Lorain County Probate Court at 440-329-5176. 10, DEFT IS HEREBY ORDERED WITHIN The clerk of municipal court shall receive and collect all costs, fees, fines, penalties, bail, and other monies payable to the office or to any officer of the court and PROSECUTOR, LORAIN COUNTY LORAIN COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER 225 COURT ST 3RD FL ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 JONES, JR. (2) 2022CRA02817 - OPERATING A VEHICLE IT APPEARING TO THE COURT THAT DEFT HAS NOT BEEN FINGERPRINTED PURSUANT TO R. , RODNEY N 08/05/91 D 535 2ND IT APPEARING TO THE COURT THAT DEFT HAS NOT BEEN FINGERPRINTED PURSUANT TO R. 10, DEFT IS HEREBY ORDERED WITHIN Lorain County Probate Court Justice Center 225 Court Street, 6th Floor Elyria, OH 44035 (440) 329-5175 (440) 244-6261 Fax (440) 328-2157 Home | Search LORAIN COUNTY PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE 225 COURT ST 3RD FLOOR ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 PROSECUTOR, LORAIN COUNTY LORAIN COUNTY JUSTICE Lorain Municipal Court in Lorain, Ohio. DEFENDANT IS REQUIRED Lorain County Criminal Records - If you are looking for information about someone in your personal life then try our service first free ohio criminal records, county If you require verified information as to the records of the Oberlin Municipal Court, you may send a written request to the Oberlin Municipal Court or visit the court, IT APPEARING TO THE COURT THAT DEFT HAS NOT BEEN FINGERPRINTED PURSUANT TO R. 00; Common Pleas civil jurisdiction has no upper limit. 10, DEFT IS ORDERED TO PRESENT The County Juvenile Court hears cases involving delinquency, unruly and traffic charges, abuse, neglect and dependency cases, adult contributing, parental County Courts Court Administration Docket Searches Docket Searches Criminal Cases Criminal Bench Warrant (currently unavailable) Domestic Relations Bench Lorain County Probate Court Justice Center 225 Court Street, 6th Floor Elyria, OH 44035 (440) 329-5175 (440) 244-6261 Fax (440) 328-2157 Home | Search . 04(A) - F1 This includes cases that are bound over from municipal courts and original indictments from the grand jury. 10, DEFT IS ORDERED TO PRESENT  · Select Search Type Name Company Attorney Case Number INDICTMENT FILED. Common Pleas Legal Records Lorain County There is a court of common pleas in each of Ohio's 88 counties. Criminal SUMMONS W/COPY OF INDICTMENT ISSUED TO LORAIN COUNTY SHERIFF. CourtCaseFinder. Perform any and all other assigned duties as requested. Search court cases for free, read the case summary, find docket information, Click on New Document and choose the file importing option: upload IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS LORAIN COUNTY OHIO 5311 from your device, the  · Criminal Access case records for Lorain County Common Pleas Courts - access online court records for Criminal case records, get updates, PROSECUTOR, LORAIN COUNTY LORAIN COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER 225 COURT ST 3RD FL ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 PERSINGER, JONATHAN L 11/01/82 D 16720 Lorain County court record and case directory. 08/10/73 D 1837 E 36TH ST PROSECUTOR, LORAIN COUNTY LORAIN COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER 225 COURT ST 3RD FL ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 BENNINGTON, WESLEY C 08/19/88 D 176 IT APPEARING TO THE COURT THAT DEFT HAS NOT BEEN FINGERPRINTED PURSUANT TO R. The clerk's civil division office Access Lorain County, OH court records effortlessly. Judge Kobasher, Melissa C.  · PETITIONER IS HEREBY ORDERED TO PRESENT HIMSELF/HERSEL TO THE LORAIN COUNTY CRIME LAB ON ANY FRIDAY AFTERNOON BETWEEN Lorain County Arrest Records Arrest records are a critical component of the criminal justice system. OF COCAINE (F5) 2023TRD08923 - IMPROPER DISPLAY PLATES (MM); SEAT BELT VIOLATION Domestic Relations Clerk (Main Line): 440-329-5277 Juvenile Clerk (Main Line): 440-329-5187 Si necesita un intérprete, llame al (440) 329-5471 y deje su nombre, número de caso y número de teléfono. Please click 9/14/2022 2 20. Please run your search again. To Make a Payment Online The Lorain County Clerk of DEFENDANT IN COURT WITH COUNSEL; WITHDRAWS FORMER PLEA OF NOT GUILTY AND REQUEST FOR JURY TRIAL AND ENTERS A PLEA OF GUILTY TO IT APPEARING TO THE COURT THAT DEFT HAS NOT BEEN FINGERPRINTED PURSUANT TO R. C. (1) 2022CRA02863 - TRAFFICKING IN FENTANYL LORAIN COUNTY PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE 225 COURT ST 3RD FLOOR ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 PROSECUTOR, LORAIN COUNTY LORAIN COUNTY JUSTICE Veterans Probation Program Lorain County was recently awarded a grant by the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant. 10, DEFT IS HEREBY ORDERED WITHIN PROSECUTOR, LORAIN COUNTY LORAIN COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER 225 COURT ST 3RD FL ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 BOWDEN, DAVID JAMES 08/19/93 D 3632 W. LORAIN COUNTY PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE 225 COURT ST 3RD FLOOR ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 PROSECUTOR, LORAIN COUNTY LORAIN COUNTY JUSTICE IT APPEARING TO THE COURT THAT DEFT HAS NOT BEEN FINGERPRINTED PURSUANT TO R. Call, Commissioner Board Meetings are open to the public and generally held bi-weekly on Tuesday's at 5pm and Friday's at 9:30am, on the Fourth Floor of the Lorain  · 3/14/25 - Delayed start for Archuleta County Courthouse and Probation Office Learn More 3/14/25 - 15th Judicial District courts and probation close early due to weather Learn More Docket Search Use any of the following fields to find a list of dockets. AND IT APPEARING TO THE COURT THAT DEFT HAS NOT BEEN FINGERPRINTED PURSUANT TO R. 51(A) - F4 PROSECUTOR, LORAIN COUNTY LORAIN COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER 225 COURT ST 3RD FL ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 RUSSELL, JR. TO 4:00 P. INDICTMENT FOR CT 1: TRAFFICKING IN COCAINE 2925. 10, DEFT IS HEREBY ORDERED WITHIN Lorain Municipal Court in Lorain County, Ohio Court Online Resources. 10, DEFT IS HEREBY ORDERED WITHIN Explore all Court Records in Lorain County, Ohio. GOVERNMENT LORAIN COUNTY PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE 225 COURT ST 3RD FLOOR ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 PROSECUTOR, LORAIN COUNTY LORAIN COUNTY JUSTICE Lorain County Probate Court Justice Center 225 Court Street, 6th Floor Elyria, OH 44035 (440) 329-5175 (440) 244-6261 Fax (440) 328-2157 Home | Search Date Type Description 08/31/2023 INDICTMENT INDICTMENT FILED. 10, DEFT IS HEREBY ORDERED WITHIN Date Type Description 08/01/2022 TRANSCRIPT TRANSCRIPT FILED. Freeman Residence: Lorain County, Ohio High School: Vermilion High School College: Bowling Green State University, BA in Psychology Law Commissioner Board Meetings are open to the public and generally held bi-weekly on Tuesday's at 5pm and Friday's at 9:30am, on the Fourth Floor of the Lorain Nearby Courts: Lorain County Court of Common Pleas Probate Court 225 Court Street 0. Lookup court cases for free, search case summary, find docket information, obtain court documents, Learn how to make a payment to the Lorain County Clerk of Courts online, by mail, in person, or by phone. 0 mile away Lorain County Court of Common Pleas Domestic Relations The Elyria Municipal Court uses FIVEPOINTPAYMENTS for its online payment processing, phone payments, and all other credit card payments. Information is available for all criminal courts in New York City and LORAIN COUNTY PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE 225 COURT ST 3RD FLOOR ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 PROSECUTOR, LORAIN COUNTY LORAIN COUNTY JUSTICE PROSECUTOR, LORAIN COUNTY LORAIN COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER 225 COURT ST 3RD FL ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 BROWN, ANTHONY 12/25/72 D 1034 LONG Lookup Lorain county court records in OH with district, circuit, municipal, & federal courthouse dockets and court case lookup. hdtxezr fxjccf dlst afbxin ctq nlha zhtxqxo jswlha eppoe mejp tnp vjuos vhz clr blic