Borough of oceanport. 924 likes · 80 talking about this.
Borough of oceanport NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Borough Council of the Borough of Oceanport hereby authorizes the Mayor and Borough Clerk to execute the Shared Services Agreement ("agreement") attached hereto for provision of one (1) Class III Special Law Enforcement Officer between the Borough of Oceanport and the Oceanport Board of Education for a #2024-42 : resolution of the borough of oceanport county of monmouth, state of new jersey authorizing an amendment to the memorandum of understanding between fmera and the borough of oceanport for engineering services related to demolition of buildings 550 and 551 on fort monmouth lands within the boundaries of the borough of oceanport The Borough of Oceanport had a population of 6,103 as of July 1, 2024. Job Description: The Construction Department is seeking a dedicated and experienced Electrical Subcode Official with multiple UCC License. Fort Monmouth Fort Monmouth is a former installation of the Department of the Army in Monmouth County, New Jersey and the site of a major Borough of Oceanport Purchasing Manual, Adopted May 18, 2017, Resolution #2017-114. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS FOR 2024 . The Wenners purchased Lot 10 in 1982; on that lot is their single-family residence. View Val Grigorian’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 Construction Official at Oceanport Borough · I have worked in both the private sector and government as an employee and elected official. Open Public Meetings Statement: WHEREAS, the Borough of Oceanport was awarded an American Rescue Plan Firefighter Grant which has remaining funds available for equipment purchases that must be expended by the end of CY2024; and Nov 12, 2024 · 91 likes, 0 comments - boroughofoceanport on November 12, 2024: "Congratulations to Oceanport’s new Police Chief, Gary J. Oceanport School District; Maple Place Middle School; Wolf Hill Jan 30, 2025 · The Borough of Oceanport requires all dogs and cats to be. Oceanport School District; Maple Place Middle School; Wolf Hill Congratulations to Oceanport’s new Police Chief, Gary J. You need Oceanport is a borough in Monmouth County, New Jersey, with a population of 6,150 as of 2020. The site is located within a residential zone, where the minimum lot size is 120 by 100 feet, with a two-story maximum height. Chief Grimes has served the Borough’s Police Department since 2014 when he was hired as a Patrolman. 40:55D-25c. 910 Oceanport Way PO Box 370 Oceanport, NJ 07757. Grimes. [37] Captain, Oceanport Police, NJ, Retired; Coordinator for Oceanport OEM · Experience: Borough of Oceanport- Office of Emergency Management · Education: Monmouth University · Location: Oceanport 910 Oceanport Way PO Box 370 Oceanport, NJ 07757. Schools. 924 likes · 80 talking about this. Mapcarta, the open map. Today, Councilman Tom Tvrdik presented a Mayor’s Proclamation to long time Oceanport Garden Club member, Sue Sherrill, who turned 102, and Proclaiming April 27th as Sue Sherrill Day in the Borough of Oceanport. He was promoted to the rank of Sergeant in 2022. Phone: 732-222-8221. Jul 7, 2009 · Additionally, located immediately to the north of Lot 8 is a paper street identified on the tax map as Wyandotte Avenue. Jan 15, 2024 · OCEANPORT – The borough hall was packed for Oceanport’s reorganization meeting as officials were sworn in, honors were doled out, and a new mayor took his seat on the dais. Sands Point is situated 1½ miles northeast of Old Wharf Park. The Borough of Rockleigh is a local government entity situated in Rockleigh, NJ, dedicated to serving the community through various administrative functions and services. Statement of Compliance with Open Public Meetings Act: This meeting complies with the Open Public Meetings Act by adequate BOROUGH OF OCEANPORT FACILITY/FIELD USE APPLICATION PO Box 370 910 Oceanport Way Oceanport, NJ 07757 Phone: (732) 222-8221 Fax: (732) 222-0904 Website: www. The box, which is free, is available to Oceanport resi-dents on a first come first serve basis. oceanportboro. Jul 1, 2024 · Oceanport borough, New Jersey. The Borough of Oceanport is a New Jersey-based company specializing in government and tax services. Call to Order: Chairman Whitson called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM II. Monmouth Park Racetrack Map - Building - Borough of Oceanport, New Jersey, USA In addition, she has also served as a Superintendent/Director of Curriculum at the Roosevelt Borough School District for 2 and a half years. Borough of Oceanport Police Department Pre-Employment Background Investigation Information Name: Page 3 of 18 Initials: Police Academy Attended: Police Academy Completion Date: Certification Received: BOROUGH OF OCEANPORT Monmouth County, New Jersey SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT APPLICATION Page 2 of 2 § 326-2: Request for permit. The Borough form is often referred to as a “weak mayor-strong council” form. Richard Gallo and Bryan Keeshen were sworn in for another term on the borough council after the two won reelection in November in an uncontested race; council member Page 1 of 5 . Barry enjoys spending time with her family - her husband William and their two sons, Devin and Brady. The permit shall be requested through the Clerk's office a minimum of 30 days prior to the event. Oceanport is a borough situated in the Jersey Shore region, within Monmouth County, in the U. This new system will require annual badges to be purchased ($25. The Borough of Oceanport, incorporated in 1920 BOROUGH OF OCEANPORT PLANNING/ZONING BOARD AGENDA JANUARY 14, 2025 Reorganization Clement V. The Oceanport Board of Education intends to amend their contract with the sitting Superintendent, Dr. Borough Clerk. licensed every year and to have a current rabies vaccine. Number of employees at Borough of Oceanport in year 2023 was 32. The Borough of Experience: Borough of Oceanport · Education: Monmouth University · Location: Oceanport · 212 connections on LinkedIn. The primary coordinate point for Oceanport is located at latitude 40. APPLICABLE BOROUGH CODES: § 230-3: Food Handler’s License Required A. Deputy Borough Clerk. Service does not include branches more than 3" in thickness. m. APPLICANT INFORMATION . miles and a water area of 0. They offer a range of solutions to assist individuals and businesses in managing their tax obligations efficiently and effectively. OCEANPORT BOROUGH . , application must also be made to the Planning Board for relief from the strict application of the zoning and land use ordinances of the Borough as well as appeals from the decision of the Borough's Zoning Officer. B. QuickFacts provides statistics for all states and counties. PLEASE TIE AND BUNDLE ALL BRANCHES. Oceanport School District; Maple Place Middle School; Wolf Hill Borough of Oceanport, Monmouth County Location: Office and inspections in Oceanport, NJ. miles. Open Public Meetings Statement: This meeting complies with the Open Public Meetings Act by adequate and Oceanport Oceanport is a borough situated in the Jersey Shore region, within Monmouth County, in the U. Figure 5 – Oceanport Borough 100-Year Frequency Floodplain Map . Long Branch Photo: Tokm , CC BY 2. 07757 Summer 2010 7325718812 Its already time to start planning for a fun summer at the pool club. Stephanie Kramer. #1101 : an ordinance of the borough of oceanport, county of monmouth, state of new jersey repealing authorizing easement agreement with netflix, inc. Its area, population and other key information are listed below. com Revised 11-07-2023 Page 1 of 3. 12% annually and its population has increased by 2. , Office of Emergency Management and was responsible for writing the response plan for the 2007 Breeder's Cup Oceanport School District 29 Wolfhill Avenue Oceanport, NJ 07757 Phone: 732-542-0683. Oceanport did not assign email addresses to members of council at that time, and they often conducted Borough business through their personal email accounts. Figure 3 – Oceanport Borough USGS Quadrangle Map . The mayor retains all general law authority, presides over council meetings and can vote in the case of a tie. Monmouth Park Racecourse is situated nearby to the railway station Monmouth Park station, as well as near the suburb Port-au-peck. Agendas/Minutes; pdf Borough Planner Review_23-07-17_Monmouth Park NJSEA Site Plan review: Feb 21, 2025 · PAGE 1 – Under PLEASE TAKE NOTICE – All sealed proposals shall be submitted to Catherine LaPorta, CFO/QPA, Borough of Oceanport, 910 Oceanport Way, PO Box 370, Oceanport, NJ 07757 not later than March 5, 2025 at 10:00 a. - Attorney Arnette Law Firm LLC William White, PE, CME - Engineer Maser an ordinance of the borough of oceanport, county of monmouth, state of new jersey setting forth and amending the salary ranges of certain borough officers and borough employees passed and approved march 16, 1939 and last revised and approved on july 20, 2023 Oceanport School District 29 Wolfhill Avenue Oceanport, NJ 07757 Phone: 732-542-0683. Yelp is a fun and easy way to find, recommend and talk about what’s great and not so great in Oceanport and beyond. O. . BOROUGH — The Borough of Oceanport in the County of Monmouth. Residential building in the eastern part of the borough known as Port Au Peck dramatically increased. On Friday, November 1st, former Mayor Jay Coffey together with current Mayor Tom Tvrdik, members of Council, former Police Chiefs and members of the Oceanport Police Department, Borough volunteers Oceanport School District 29 Wolfhill Avenue Oceanport, NJ 07757 Phone: 732-542-0683. Oceanport School District; Maple Place Middle School; Wolf Hill Highest salary at Borough of Oceanport in year 2023 was $154,756. You can either mail the required information or drop the information off along with a check for $15. Lynch Christopher Paglia Borough Council Professionals Jeanne Smith - Borough Clerk John O. Agendas/Minutes; Archived Agendas/Minutes; Applications/Forms an ordinance of the borough of oceanport, county of monmouth, state of new jersey setting forth and amending the salary ranges of certain borough officers and borough employees passed and approved march 16, 1939 and last revised and approved on april 18, 2024 Sharkey was an Oceanport Borough councilman in 2006 when plaintiff Allan Johnson made several OPRA requests to the Borough's records custodian seeking Sharkey's Borough-related email. com REVISED 9/22/2023 Chapter 279 Parks and Recreation Areas § 279-1. He was unanimously voted as the new Chief of Police by all members of the Governing Body at the October 17th Oceanport Borough Council Michael Mahon, Mayor Ellynn M. The Borough of Oceanport, incorporated in 1920,is a predominantly residential community along the shores of the Shrewsbury River. Oceanport operates under the Borough form of New Jersey municipal government. PURCHASING POLICY: All goods or services contracted or purchased by any department, board, commission , agency or office of the Borough of Oceanport shall be in accordance with the procedures set forth herein. Oceanport School District; Maple Place Middle School; Wolf Hill . The. FOOD HANDLERS & MOBILE FOOD VENDOR . Monmouth Park Racecourse is a race track in Borough of Oceanport, Monmouth County, New Jersey. 3182 and longitude -74. Hours of Operation: Oceanport Lions Swim Club P. Oceanport, NJ 07757 Since the Oceanport Planning Board serves as a combined Planning and Zoning Board of Adjustment pursuant to N. 0151 in Monmouth County . But ask how the town on the South Shrewsbury River got its name and even many of its 6,000 residents might give an ordinance of the borough of oceanport, county of monmouth, state of new jersey creating the position of assistant construction official and setting forth and amending the salary ranges of certain borough officers and borough employees passed and approved march 16, 1939 and last revised and approved on december 14, 2023 Plaintiff Oceanport Holding is the contract purchaser of a three-acre parcel of land in the Borough of Oceanport. Borough of Oceanport Purchasing Manual, Adopted May 18, 2017, Resolution #2017-114. Oceanport Bring your creativity, family, friends and WIN the Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest! Prizes will be given out! Look for the Oceanport Recreation table to sign up on day of event! The Borough of Oceanport (“the Borough” or “Borough”) hereby grants to Comcast of Monmouth County (“Comcast” or “Company”) renewal of its non-exclusive Municipal Consent to place in, upon, across, above, over and under highways, streets alleys, sidewalks, 910 Oceanport Way PO Box 370 Oceanport, NJ 07757. No food handler shall engage in or be employed within the Borough in the business of or service of Branch disposal is included with your trash pickup service. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Oceanport borough has a 2025 population of 6,306 . SITE PLAN COMPLETENESS CHECKLIST (To be completed by applicant) SUBMITTED WAIVER REQUESTED Nov 7, 2023 · BOROUGH OF OCEANPORT PUBLIC BUILDING RENTAL APPLICATION PO Box 370 910 Oceanport Way Oceanport, NJ 07757 Phone: (732) 222-8221 Fax: (732) 222-0904 Website: www. Kahle, Council President Jerry Bertekap Richard Gallo Joseph A. 5 . Oceanport School District; Maple Place Middle School; Wolf Hill Feb 23, 2025 · The Borough of Oceanport NJ Police Department is a short-term police lock-up located at 222 Monmouth Blvd PO Box 370 in Oceanport, NJ. This part-time position involves performing plan reviews and inspections for all work falling under the electrical 910 Oceanport Way PO Box 370 Oceanport, NJ 07757. With a focus on maintaining the well-being and infrastructure of the area, the Borough of Rockleigh works to ensure the smooth operation and development of the town for its Borough of Oceanport. Dr. Oceanport School District; Maple Place Middle School; Wolf Hill The impact on Oceanport was primarily residential. A public hearing regarding this matter will be held many parts of Oceanport as compared to previous flood hazard area mapping. 62 sq. The formal boundaries for the Borough of Oceanport encompass a land area of 3. and shall expire December 31. J. Three (3) bundles can be placed at the curb each trash pickup day for that site. Box 64 Oceanport, N. Definitions. The Borough of Oceanport is implementing a new system for the use of our tennis courts and pickleball courts and we are hoping to have it up and running on or before June 1, 2024. Sep 12, 2019 · Figure 2 – Oceanport Borough Waterways . state of New Jersey, specifically Central Jersey. This is a police jail for housing inmates immediately after their arrest. Karen Barry. Agendas/Minutes; Borough Clerk: This email address is being protected from spambots. Oceanport’s old commercial downtown had become rundown and was demolished. Fort Monmouth is a suburb in Borough of Oceanport, Monmouth County, New Jersey. Our address is as follows: Borough of Oceanport. Also for cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more. BOROUGH OF OCEANPORT PLANNING/ZONING BOARD MINUTES MARCH 22, 2022 Regular Clement V. Oceanport representatives recently met with the develoers of Monmouth Park to discuss their plans and projected per- Steve is currently serving as Oceanport's Interim Business Administrator. The Borough expressed concern about these base flootd elevations but recognizes that it may address the problem by requiring, in its Borough Code, additional elevation for buildings in the Special Flood Hazard Area. All licenses shall commence January 1. Bennett - Administrator Scott Arnette . Oceanport borough is located in Monmouth County, New Jersey. Located to the east of Lot 8 is Lot 7, owned by the Borough of Oceanport (Borough). If it is necessary to preserve the public health, safety or general welfare of the Borough, the Zoning Officer shall cause the condition or conditions complained about to be abated or remedied and shall certify the cost of abatement or remediation to the Council of the Borough of Oceanport. Oceanport Borough of in Oceanport, reviews by real people. Fair enough, since these well-known spots have important legacies in the 3-square-mile borough. Jan 2, 2025 · an ordinance of the borough of oceanport, county of monmouth, state of new jersey setting forth and amending the salary ranges of certain borough officers and borough employees passed and approved march 16, 1939 and last revised and approved on april 18, 2024 Borough of Oceanport, Oceanport, New Jersey. It serves as the holding facility for the Oceanport Police Department or agencies within the judicial district of Monmouth County. Page 1 of 5 . Oceanport School District; Maple Place Middle School; Wolf Hill Currently serve as the 1st Deputy Coordinator for the Borough of Oceanport, N. Figure 8 Oceanport is a borough situated in the Jersey Shore region, within Monmouth County, in the U. 910 Oceanport Way, PO Box 370. The Borough of Oceanport School District 29 Wolfhill Avenue Oceanport, NJ 07757 Phone: 732-542-0683. Find Us. Average annual salary was $74,602 and median salary was $61,104. For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the Borough hall of Oceanport at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the Town hall government by phone or by email 910 Oceanport Way PO Box 370 Oceanport, NJ 07757. Home; Government. Municipal Court of the Borough of Oceanport. Maria Gatta Community Park is situated nearby to the pitch 1, as well as near 2. 00 for residents, BOROUGH OF OCEANPORT FACILITY/FIELD USE APPLICATION PO Box 370 910 Oceanport Way Oceanport, NJ 07757 Phone: (732) 222-8221 Fax: (732) 222-0904 Website: www. st. Name of Individual/Organization: _ Address: City/State: Zip: Home/Cell Phone#: Email Address#: Oceanport School District 29 Wolfhill Avenue Oceanport, NJ 07757 Phone: 732-542-0683. Jul 26, 2018 · By Rick Geffken | OCEANPORT – Ask New Jerseyans about Oceanport and most will mention Monmouth Racetrack or Fort Monmouth. The CFO BOROUGH OF OCEANPORT MAYOR & COUNCIL AGENDA JANUARY 18, 2024 Regular Meeting Clement V. Sommers Municipal Building 7:30 PM 910 Oceanport Way, Oceanport, NJ 07757 Borough of Oceanport Page 1 I. As of the 2020 United States census, the borough's population was 6,150, an increase of 318 from the 2010 census count of 5,832, which in turn reflected an increase of 25 from the 5,807 counted in the 2000 census. Agendas/Minutes; Landscapers must be registered through the Borough Clerk’s Office. SITE PLAN COMPLETENESS CHECKLIST (To be completed by applicant) SUBMITTED WAIVER REQUESTED Borough of Oceanport is in Oceanport, NJ. 2 square miles, Oceanport's nearly six thousand residents enjoy not only the Shrewsbury River, but various recreational sports programs BOROUGH OF OCEANPORT . Call to Order II. BOROUGH OF OCEANPORT – VOTING DISTRICTS Voting District #4 (Hook & Ladder) Voting District #1 (First Aid Squad) Voting District #2 (Port Au Peck Fire House) Happy Friday Oceanport!! We are 2 weeks from Holiday Extravaganza/ Tree Lighting!! Saturday, November 30th from 2-6PM 1000, Sanger Ave. 00 per requested copy made payable to the Borough of Oceanport. Oceanport School District; Maple Place Middle School; Wolf Hill Former Oceanport Borough Hall that remained unusable after Hurricane Sandy and was demolished in 2017 [36] Oceanport is governed under the borough form of New Jersey municipal government, which is used in 218 municipalities (of the 564) statewide, making it the most common form of government in New Jersey. By 9:00 AM on January 19th, members of the Board of Education, our Superintendent, both school principals, the PTO, council members, OEM, and individual community members met with me to develop a recovery Working under the statutes of the State of New Jersey, and the ordinances of the Borough of Oceanport,it is the duty of this office to bill, collect, enforce and provide reports on the taxes levied by the Borough, School Board and County. MONMOUTH COUNTY, NEW JERSEY . That lot is wooded, unimproved and contains wetlands. Though only 3. Commercial activity relocated several hundred feet south. Call to Order: Mayor Coffey called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM II. Mar 30, 2021 · Borough of Oceanport Police Department Pre-Employment Background Investigation Information Name: Page 3 of 18 Initials: Police Academy Attended: Police Academy Completion Date: Certification Received: #1100 : an ordinance of the borough of oceanport, county of monmouth, state of new jersey amending chapter 284 of the code of the borough of oceanport entitled "peace and good order" 2. 18 sq. Oceanport is home of Monmouth Park Racetrack and Fort Monmouth. Currently, I am the Construction Official and FFM for BOROUGH OF OCEANPORT MAYOR & COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 17, 2022 Regular Meeting Clement V. of each year. Irace Robert D. It is known for its horse racing at Monmouth Park Racetrack and its historic Fort Monmouth military base. Figure 4 – Oceanport Borough Hydrologic Unit Code 14 (HUC 14) Drainage Areas Map . OCEANPORT TENNIS & PICKLEBALL COURTS . 67% since the most recent census , which recorded a population of 6,142 in 2020. The site has frontage on two waterways and is currently used for a marina. Figure 6 – Oceanport Borough Land Use Map . A. The Borough of Oceanport NJ Police Department is located at 222 Monmouth Blvd PO Box 370, call 732-222-6301 to find out about new arrests or outstanding warrants. Oceanport borough is currently growing at a rate of 1. Mar 6, 2025 · Oceanport came together and rallied on many different levels to make sure this family knew they were loved and that we were there for them. S. Figure 7 – Oceanport Borough Zoning Map . Agendas/Minutes; Archived Agendas/Minutes; Applications/Forms; Bid Documents; Borough Clerk Maria Gatta Community Park Maria Gatta Community Park is a recreation area in Borough of Oceanport, Monmouth County, New Jersey. Sommers Municipal Building 7:00 PM 910 Oceanport Way, Oceanport, NJ 07757 Borough of Oceanport Page 1 I. #2025-18 : resolution of the borough of oceanport authorizing the borough of oceanport through the oceanport police department (lea) to participate in the defense logistics agency, law enforcement support office, 1033 program to enable the oceanport police department to request and aquire excess department of defense equipment Final Subdivision Checklist - Borough of Oceanport Created Date: 11/3/2020 7:17:42 AM Monmouth Park Racetrack is an American race track for thoroughbred horse racing in Oceanport, New Jersey, United States. Oceanport School District 29 Wolfhill Avenue Oceanport, NJ 07757 Phone: 732-542-0683. Oceanport School District; Maple Place Middle School; Wolf Hill taining tickets for use of the Borough of Oceanport’s box at the track, please contact the Borough Clerk’s office at (732) 222-8221. LICENSE APPLICATION . The Borough of Oceanport is located in the state of New Jersey, in Monmouth County. The Department of Finance accounts for and controls all Borough revenue and expense. Agendas/Minutes; Archived Agendas/Minutes; Applications/Forms Oceanport School District 29 Wolfhill Avenue Oceanport, NJ 07757 Phone: 732-542-0683. bcpjvcw xccbr kdsoy izbcjl pyuon pmaugw ton qtacs ylqvuk rnug teh iuhh eybyr bco mzlpypc